

This plugin adds a jail to minecraft, for all those offenders whose offences are too small to be banned. While in the jail, players cannot teleport out of it, or break blocks. Players remain inside the jail until they are either granted bail or their sentence runs out.

As soon as the sentence runs out, players are free to warp out of the jail. They are not teleported out themselves.

List of commands:

/jail [player] [time] - time can be, for example, 10m, 30s, 2h (10 minutes, 30 seconds, 2 hours).

/bail [player] - releases the player from jail.

/setjail - sets the location of the jail.

/buildjail - in case you are lazy, this will build you a jail and /setjail it there. (note, this was just me doing this for fun, wasn't intended to be taken seriously)


This plugin requires bPermissions to function. Here are the following nodes:





Hopefully I don't need to explain them to you.

Setting up:

Setting up: This plugin is extremely simple to set up. Running the plugin once will generate its default configuration. Edit this as necessary, and start again. Here is an explanation of all the nodes:

enableJail: true - is the jail being used?

enableBroadcast: true - do we broadcast to the server if a player is jailed?

allowBuild: false - Can the prisoner grief the jail? If set to true, a message will be broadcasting if the prisoner breaks free.

mutedJail: false - Can players speak while in the jail?

canJailJailer: true - can players with the permission to jail players be jailed themselves?

If your server is using a mysql database, use this to create the table.

CREATE TABLE `jail` ( `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `timeleft` int(11) NOT NULL );

Final notes:

All players who are in jail will come out of jail if the server is restarted if logoutAllowed is set to true.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 3, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Nov 6, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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