
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


ItemSpy is a plugin that creates a way for admins/mods/whatever to know and be supplied information when a player interacts with an item or block that they shouldn't normally have access to. A common example of one of these "illegal items" is bedrock (normally available to admins and staff members of the server, but not regular players). The "interaction" can be defined as a pickup/drop or accessing of a container that contains it (chest, dispenser, furnace, minecart chest, even a brewing stand), although, there will be more interactions tracked in the future.

Don't understand?

For example, we have two players on a server, Joe and Bob. Joe is a normal player, while Bob is a veteran Moderator. In a server without ItemSpy, if Joe picked up some bedrock, or opened a container holding bedrock, Bob would have no way to know that right away. But with ItemSpy, there would be an alert sent right to him. If Joe accessed a container, the alert would contain Joe's name, the container block's location, and type of container. Likewise, if Joe picked the item up off the ground, the alert would contain Joe's name, location, type of item, and amount of the item he picked up. Busted.


  • Receive alerts when a player picks up/drops an item or opens a container containing items they shouldn't have access to.
  • Fully configurable list of illegal items/blocks, with support for data values.
  • Toggle receiving alerts on/off.
  • Force a scan of a player's inventory, and report what, if any, items they shouldn't have.
  • Allow certain players to not trigger alerts by using permissions, globally or per-world.
  • Time periods between the same alert type from the same player that drop alerts.
  • Teleport to your most recent alert location at a command.
  • Logging of alerts to a text file.
  • PluginMetrics/MCStats.


  • Automatic updating.
  • Language localization.


2.0.1Addition of PluginMetrics/MCStats.
2.0.0Support for any container type, standardized strings, support for data values, etc.
1.2.1Numerous changes, including removal of Vault, persistence, and better alert spam protection.
1.1.0Added ability to function without Vault.
1.0.1Changed Java version to Java 6.
1.0.0Initial release.


  • Config - Check out the config, and how to unlock its potential.
  • Commands and Permissions - Learn how to use ItemSpy, and give its power to your staff members.
  • Sneak Peek - See what's in development for the next release.



Tekkit (as well as any mod adding blocks, items, or containers) is currently not officially supported by myself, and any questions pertaining to ItemSpy not working correctly with Tekkit will be (if the problem is found to be caused by Tekkit) ignored. ItemSpy itself should work with Tekkit out of the box, but features such as named containers, item names, and block names may not work correctly. For example, ItemSpy may report a Klein star as its id, or even "null." In the future, basic support will be offered for Tekkit users, features such as customized item and container names.

Everything Else

Got a question that isn't solved on these pages? Post a comment. What about a feature request, or a bug report? Submit a ticket and I'll do my best to resolve it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 9, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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