

A plugin idea I came across for my own server, the basic concept is that we wanted to allow our users to spawn certain items for building but we didn't want to allow creative or the standard essentials /give & /item commands.

So I have planned and started building a plugin that will you to assign item groups and put items into groups and then allow users to spawn certain items. In the future I plan to allow a command to give user a easy way to give other users permission to spawn certain items.

Works for 1.1

Planned Features

  • Allow users to spawn 'certain' items default allowed item can be set in the configuration.
  • Give Permission to 'promote' users to spawn more items.
  • Deny users from spawning certain items.


Current Features

  • Added /get <item> [ammount] command to allow users to spawn items
  • Added itemgroups.yml to allow admin's to group items into permission groups so instead of adding itemspawn.spawn.item-itemname you can add to allow a range of set items.
  • Currently groups are defined (general, mechanics, transport, other, donator, mod, admin) you can change items each group can spawn in the itemgroups.yml file.
  • Implement config.yml to allow chaning of messages and disable plugin in certain worlds.

Coming Soon

  • Add /allow and /deny commands to allow users with the itemspawn.mod permission to allow users to spawn items without changing the itemgroups.yml file.


  1. Download ItemSpawn.jar
  2. Put file into your plugins folder
  3. Run Server


You can change the itemgroups.yml file in the plugins/ItemSpawn folder to change which items belong to which group. edit the config.yml to change disabled worlds and messages.


itemspawn.use.itemspawn = can use the /get or /itemspawn command to spawn items
itemspawn.spawn.item-[itemname] = Allow spawning of item based on item name
itemspawn.spawn.item-[itemid] = Allow spawning of item based on itemid[groupname] = Allow spawning of all items in defined group
itemspawn.spawn.all = Allow spawning of all items.

Please Command and suggestions you may have or if you find any bugs or issues. Thanks


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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