
# autogenerated config.yml
# Default settings and descriptions are shown above each config option
# NOTE: If this is not so, check the BukkitDev page for the complete config.yml
# You can regenerate this file by deleting it.
# NOTE: If you regenerate the config for a new plugin version, please backup your old config. You'll love yourself for it. :)
# New config options are flagged with {NEW OPTION!}

# debug: false
# Show debugging info in console
debug: false

# useItem: 339
# ID of the item players must be holding to use special signs. The default is paper.
useItem: 339

# signTitle: "[Buy with XP]"
# Placed at the top of a sign. "[ItemsForXP]" is built into the plugin.
signTitle: "[Buy with XP]"

# Whether or not permissions is required

    # place: true
    # When set to true, users must have permission to place special signs
    place: true
    # use: true
    # When set to true, users must have permission to buy from special signs
    use: true

# -- Translation --

# Messages displayed by the plugin

    # Messages used in the console and in-game
        # xpPrefix: ""
        # Displayed immediately before an experience number 
        xpPrefix: ""

        # xpSuffix: "xp"
        # Displayed immediately after an experience number 
        xpSuffix: "xp"

    # Console only messages:

        # pluginStart: "Start up completed!"
        # Shown when the plugin has finished loading
        pluginStart: "Start up completed!"

        # pluginStop: "stopped!"
        # Shown when the plugin has shutdown
        pluginStop: "stopped!"
        # playersOnly: "That command can only be used by players"
        # Shown when the console tries to use /xp
        playersOnly: "That command can only be used by players"

        # invalidSign: "ERROR: Invalid sign at "
        # Shown when an invalid sign is found
        invalidSign: "ERROR: Invalid sign at "

        # signPlace: " placed a sign at "
        # Shown when someone placse a sign
        signPlace: " placed a sign at "

        # noSignPlace: " tried to place a sign"
        # Shown when someone tries to place a sign without permission
        noSignPlace: " tried to place a sign"

        # bought: " bought "
        # Logs when someone uses a sign
        bought: " bought "

        # for: " for "
        # Logs when someone uses a sign
        for: " for "
        # at: " at "
        # Logs when someone uses a sign
        at: " at "
    # In-Game only messages: 

        # xpCommand: "You have "
        # Shown when someone uses /xp
        xpCommand: "You have "

        # levelCommand: "Level: "
        # Shown when someone uses /level
        levelCommand: "Level: "

        # noPlacePermission: "You do not have permission to place that sign!"
        # Shown when someone tries to place a sign without permission
        noPlacePermission: "You do not have permission to place that sign!"
        # noUsePermission: "You do not have permission to use this sign!"
        # Shown when someone tries to use a sign without permission
        noUsePermission: "You do not have permission to use this sign!"

        # holdItem: "You must be holding "
        # Shown when someone tries to use a sign without holding the correct item
        holdPaper: "You must be holding "

        # toUseSign: " to use this sign"
        # Shown when someone tries to use a sign without holding the correct item
        holdPaper: " to use this sign"
        # invalidSign: "ERROR: This sign is invalid!"
        # Shown when someone tries to use an invalid song
        invalidSign: "ERROR: This sign is invalid!"
        # lowXP: "You don't have enough experience!"
        # Shown when someone tries to use a sign but they don't have enough xp
        lowXP: "You don't have enough experience!"     

        # youHave: "You only have "
        # More information about a player's experience. (when they don't have enough)
        youHave: "You only have "
        # youNeed: ", so you need "
        # More information about a player's experience. (when they don't have enough)
        youNeed: ", so you need "
        # more: " more"
        # More information about a player's experience. (when they don't have enough)
        more: " more"

        # youSpent: "You spent "
        # Transaction information
        youHave: "You only have "

        # on: " on "
        # Transaction information
        on: " on "

        # nowHave: "You now have "
        # Transaction information
        nowHave: "You now have "

        # left: " left"
        # Transaction information
        left: " left."

        # atLevel: " You are at level: "
        # Transaction information
        atLevel: " You are at level "