ItemJoin v6.0.0


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 29, 2023
  • Size
    668.08 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.19.3
  • 1.19.2
  • 1.19.1
  • 1.19
  • 1.18.2
  • 1.18.1
  • 1.18
  • 1.17
  • 1.16
  • 1.15
  • 1.14
  • 1.13
  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2


ItemJoin v6.0.0-RELEASE


* Minecraft 1.19.4 Support.
* NMS Check.
* You will now receive a warning if you are using ItemJoin on an unsupported version of Minecraft.
* This will cause the plugin to enter compatibility mode and attempt to function as normal (although not guaranteed).
* PlaceholderAPI support for Enchantments.
* Teleport trigger
* You can now give players items upon teleporting to new locations.
* This also applies to the Active-Commands in the config.yml.
* /itemjoin dump
* Thank goodness, I can finally debug bug reports.
* hide-enchants itemflag.
* This... hides enchantments :)
* not-hat itemflag.
* Prevents the item from being equipped via the /hat command.
* This applies to any plugin which uses the /hat command.
* ItemCommand executors to Active-Commands (config.yml).
* All executors for items now function for Active-Commands excluding delay and swap-item for obvious reasons.
* The only addition is Active-Commands support the first-join executor whereas ItemCommands do not.
* Portuguese language (pt-lang.yml) thanks to DeskTecc.
* ignoreErrors in the config.yml.
* Setting this to true will prevent admins from receiving messages upon login and reloading about ItemJoin errors.
* Grindstone to the item-modifiable itemflag.


* A bug that made items from recipes lose their properties.
* Bug that prevented crafting slots from being cleared using clear-items.
* Bug with specific slots being able to bypass the item-modifiable itemflag.
* 2x2 crafting recipe bugfix.
* Items that are supposed to be in the player's crafting menu would be moved to the hotbar.
* Misc NBT bugfix.
* /itemjoin getall bugfix (console).
* Server crashing bugfix.
* Duplicate condition fail-messages being sent if more than one command was specified in a list.
* Condition fail-messages being sent when using a command action that wasn't even sent...
* ItemMap fetching bugfix.
* Now more simple and more likely to return an ItemMap instead of null.
* Enchantment level checking
* If the level is detected to be below 1 it will automatically set the level as 1.
* Animation / Dynamic bugfixes.
* Major WorldGuard rework/bugfix.
* ItemCommands bugfix.
* on-equip bugfix.
* Now properly only functions on right-clicking.
* leather-color PlaceholderAPI bugfix.
* Simply wasn't working at all...
* Menu bugfixes.


* Major plugin recode.
* Now implements the use of the "ChaosCore" API.
* This should make updating the plugin easier as well as streamline updates across all of my plugins.
* Default config.yml no longer uses the console executor to set players to creative, instead it is now permission-based.
* ChestSort Support.
* If the player instance returns null (cannot find the player) then the ChestSort event is ignored and ItemJoin items are allowed to be moved.
* Model-Data now supports Placeholders.
* Reworked potions, now they even get the proper potion skin related to their potion effect!


* Slot identifier from NBT Tags.
* This is simply just no longer needed and causes unnecessary headaches.
* The items (node name) specified as the path of the item are used instead to identify the item features.