
ItemControl is a server plugin that allows server administrators to be in full control of the items that a user can hold & equip, and also allow them to manually edit a users inventory.


It has three main features:

  • Control what items your users can hold in their hands. (Not in their inventories, their hands)
  • Control what items your users can equip (only works for items that can already be equipped)
  • View any online players inventory and alter it in real time.


There is only one command, "/iv <player". This allows anyone with the permission node "iv.admin.view" to view another players inventory (and alter it).


  • "ic.admin.view" - Allows a player to type /iv <player> and view/alter that players inventory.
  • "ic.hold.*" - Allows a player to hold any item
  • "ic.hold.<itemID>" - Allows a player to hold that specific item.
  • "ic.equip.*" - Allows a player to equip any item.
  • "ic.equip.<itemID>" - Allows a player to equip that specific item.

How it Works

When a player without the permission node to be able to hold a specific item tries to hold it in their hand, it will simply move it to the next available slot in their inventory, not allowing them to hold it. If they try to drag it into their selected hotbar slot (their hand) from their inventory, it won't let them place it there, and will notify them they are not allowed to hold that item. If they pick up the item and it happens to land in their selected hotbar slot, it will be moved to the next available slot. If ever it tries to move the item to the next available slot and there is no slot available, the item will be dropped and the player will be warned.

For equipping items, the players simply will not be allowed to drag the item into their equipment slots. For mods that automate that, or for plugins that allow players to do it with commands, the items will be taken off of them and dropped onto the ground in front of them.


Lets say you want your users to be able to hold all items except for flint and steel. Give them these nodes:

  • -ic.hold.259
  • ic.hold.*

This way, the permissions handler will see the negative permission node for item 259 and deny it, and for all other items allow it.

Lets say you just want to be able to view/control players inventory, and not use this plugin for anything else. Give them these nodes:

  • ic.hold.*
  • ic.equip.*

And then just use the command /iv <player> and your players will not even know you installed this plugin.


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