
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ItemDataLog (IDL)

This plugin intention is to block certain griefing group's hacked client. They use a client-side hack called ".drop" or something similar; this hack was designed to drop the hotbar within seconds. The items dropped cause fps lag for clients due to large number of items (Entities) that need to be rendered by the Minecraft client. Even though Bukkit has tried to patch this hack ... it can still be bypassed.

IDL will stop the player from dropping items if they're caught dropping items very fast.

In short... IDL stops hack clients from causing FPS lag.


  1. Stops hacked clients dropping too many items
  2. Prevents the "dupe" glitch from dropping too many items

Todo (Caveats)

  • Command to remove drops within a certain radius
  • Strike system - count them number of strikes then kick/ban
  • Configuration
  • SuperPerms support


Version 0.1 Initial release


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