
Ban IP addresses of offline players! Keep track of which addresses players use and which addresses they are banned on! Find addresses that players share! And more....

The regular IP ban command does not keep track of player names at all, making it a limited solution. But every time a player logs in and every time you ban a player's IP address, IPMaster logs the player's name and address to the corresponding file. This allows for much greater monitoring and control over IP addresses.

Allows the console and ops to do these things automatically with only one command:
- Ban a player's IP address while he is offline!... either by the last address used, next address used, or even all future addresses.
- Check for IP bans associated with a certain player.
- List every address ever used by a player.
- Ban all IP addresses ever used by a specified player.
- Unban all IP addresses a player has been banned under.
- Check for, ban, and unban IP addresses shared by players.

Most of these commands have a "unique" option where the command only takes effect on addresses unique to that player. For example, unbanning all addresses banned for a player with the "unique" option will only unban addresses that nobody else has been banned under.

Overrides the default ban-ip and pardon-ip commands so they work with the plugin.
For the rest of the commands, see the commands page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ipmaster/pages/commands/

Other features:
- Very little setup required (in most cases)! Just download the plugin, put it in your plugins folder, and reload the server.
- No permissions plugin required.
- Auto-saves the database files when necessary or (in the config but not yet implemented in version 1) on a timer.
- The logging of all player logins can be disabled in the config if you just want to log bans.

Installation Instructions:
1. Download the plugin to your plugins folder.
2. Reload or stop/start your server. Done.

To Do:
- Stuff on the todo page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ipmaster/pages/to-do/
- Any ideas I think of or suggestions I hear.

- This was based partially on the abandoned IPBan v2.0. The new code is much more expandable and easier to work on without creating bugs.
- This plugin does NOT ever touch or look at banned-players.txt. It has nothing to do with player bans, only IP bans and player names.
- I don't think that this will have permissions support. No permissions support yet, but I might add it in the future. Ops and the console can use it. I understand the usefulness of permissions on servers but warn that permissions plugins are very often ABUSED to make lousy servers!
- I'd be happy to hear suggestions in the comments.

Contact: [email protected] (author, Java programmer, newbie Objective-C programmer)
If you find a bug, I and everyone who uses this plugin would appreciate you telling me about it. Don't be shy. You can contact me with requests to make simple plugins as well.


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  • Created
    Jun 21, 2013
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