This plugin logs the IP addresses of players as they log in, with commands allowing you to look-up the ip addresses a player has used or all of the players associated with an IP address.
Typing /ip or /ip help will display the help page - a list of all of the following commands.
/ip convert
- Converts the ip/player logs into csv files
/ip add [player] [ip]
- Allows you to add the connection between a player and ip.
/ip purge [player] [ip]
- Removes the connection between a player and ip.
/ip alias [player]
- Gets the ip addresses used of the player, and returns all names associated with those ips. (Useful for getting multiple accounts on the same ip).
/ip lookup [player] or /ip lookup [ip]
- Returns either all of the ips associated with a player, or all of the players associated with the ip.
/ip history [player] or /ip history [ip]
- Display a list of all of the ips associated with the player, or all of the players associated with the ip, and the date of last login.
/ip dnd
- Toggle receiving the ip messages on player login.
- Allows user access to all of ip log commands
- Allows user access to the read-only commands (alias and lookup)
Installation / Configuration
Just put the JAR in the plugins folder, IPs will be tracked on player login and saved to the data folder.
save-delay - This determines how often (in minutes) the IP data should be saved to the data folder. This is to prevent the data from saving too many times if multiple people log in quickly. IPs will also be saved on plugin disable. A value of anything less than 1 minute will only save on plugin disable.
convert-automatically - This determines if the plugin should automatically convert the IP/Player logs to CSVs whenever it saves to the data folder. If this is false, the files will only ever be converted when the /ip convert command is run. convert-type determines which excel file will be generated.
track-history-limit - Limit the number of dates saved by the plugin.
display-login-message - Display the ip addresses of players as they login to players with the right permission.
v0.8 - Current Version
- Fixed partial name recognition (typing /ip lookup night instead of /ip lookup nighteyes604)
It should work correctly. Just in case I just uploaded a more recent build, if you'd prefer to use that.
What about the 1.3.1 version? I don't think is necessary but I want to know if the plugin is stable with that release :)
ok thanks :) 20 IPs per player should be a good amount. Anyway great Plugin! :D
It limits the number of dates per player, but actually right now it's set to 20 and doesn't even look at the config XD I'm sorry about that.
Great Plugin!
But I`ve got one question:
Does "track-history-limit" limit ALL IPs or the IPs per player?
Anyway thanks for the Plugin :)
Great plugin, i think it would be benficial for you to add an banip command or tempban. :) Keep up the good work!
I created a ticket based on this and I'll work on fixing it again - sorry my computer broke so I haven't been able to check.
Edit: Try version 0.8. If it's not uploaded when you read this you can download it here : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10933866/Minecraft/IPLog.jar
If you still get errors, please let me know exactly what you type in and what the player's name is so I can try to duplicate it. Thank you for your help :)
Sorry, still broken. Lookup command didn't error out but didn't work as in didn't use the excisting database.
It returned "No IPs found" Yet the 0.5 works like a charm. Keep trying :D
2012-05-27 11:36:34 [WARNING] Unexpected exception while parsing console command
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ip' in plugin IPLog v0.7
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:42)
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:479)
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(CraftServer.java:475)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:612)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:581)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:459)
at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at me.nighteyes604.IPLog.IPLogCommand.handleCommand(IPLogCommand.java:177)
at me.nighteyes604.IPLog.IPLog.onCommand(IPLog.java:105)
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
... 7 more
Hopefully fixed it in the latest version - sorry for the error!
If anyone needs v0.7 and it's not up yet, you can download it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10933866/Minecraft/IPLog.jar
New version gives errors, Log in ticket section, please fix. Thank you!
Please more add command :)
Command '/ip' is IPCompare( http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ipcompare/ ) plugin same..
They currently don't, but I'll add that in the next update.
do the commands support partial player names?
like if i wanted to find my ip i could type /ip Pau
I can look into making that a feature - thank you!
The plugin starts storing data once it's enabled, it doesn't sift through the server logs or anything. I will look into letting it read AuthMe's data however - thanks for the suggestion!
You should have it automatically detect multiple logins from one IP and send alerts to admins.
Is it somehow possible to use the existing data about players and there IPs to compare right away? Because currently they have to login at least once so the IPs are logged.
Maybe add support to read AuthMe mysql data and compare it.
Looks like a cool plugin, gonna try it out :D
Do you mean - on player ban, display the alias' of that player to the person who banned the player?
Or do you mean if a player logs in, and one of their alias' is banned alert the people with the right permission?
Any way to integrate to display an alias when a player is banned ?
I'm planning on updating the plugin in the next day or two, I'll add the ability to use console commands and an option to display IP login messages. I'm also planning on adding the option of tracking times as well.