This plugin logs the IP addresses of players as they log in, with commands allowing you to look-up the ip addresses a player has used or all of the players associated with an IP address.
Typing /ip or /ip help will display the help page - a list of all of the following commands.
/ip convert
- Converts the ip/player logs into csv files
/ip add [player] [ip]
- Allows you to add the connection between a player and ip.
/ip purge [player] [ip]
- Removes the connection between a player and ip.
/ip alias [player]
- Gets the ip addresses used of the player, and returns all names associated with those ips. (Useful for getting multiple accounts on the same ip).
/ip lookup [player] or /ip lookup [ip]
- Returns either all of the ips associated with a player, or all of the players associated with the ip.
/ip history [player] or /ip history [ip]
- Display a list of all of the ips associated with the player, or all of the players associated with the ip, and the date of last login.
/ip dnd
- Toggle receiving the ip messages on player login.
- Allows user access to all of ip log commands
- Allows user access to the read-only commands (alias and lookup)
Installation / Configuration
Just put the JAR in the plugins folder, IPs will be tracked on player login and saved to the data folder.
save-delay - This determines how often (in minutes) the IP data should be saved to the data folder. This is to prevent the data from saving too many times if multiple people log in quickly. IPs will also be saved on plugin disable. A value of anything less than 1 minute will only save on plugin disable.
convert-automatically - This determines if the plugin should automatically convert the IP/Player logs to CSVs whenever it saves to the data folder. If this is false, the files will only ever be converted when the /ip convert command is run. convert-type determines which excel file will be generated.
track-history-limit - Limit the number of dates saved by the plugin.
display-login-message - Display the ip addresses of players as they login to players with the right permission.
v0.8 - Current Version
- Fixed partial name recognition (typing /ip lookup night instead of /ip lookup nighteyes604)
In the console, can use..?
Why not display a message on player connect "%player% is using %ip%" (course only seen if they have the correct notification permission, wouldn't want everyone to know everyone's ips ;)). Maybe even hook into CraftIRC too for this?
Might help when someone has a bunch of MC accounts and is freaking out the server moderators (like me...just did a /ip lookup on a ip and got 4 names back)
If you're sure it doesn't work, create a ticket and upload your addresses.iplog and players.iplog files please. Note : This will tell me the names and ip addresses that the plugin has stored, but I won't use them for anything except helping you debug.
Edit: You can also try converting the files to .csv and opening them up to see what's stored, and if it actually got more than one IP.
Well i've been under multiple (local) ip addresses, under a single name, and it only shows one entry..
Not true, it works for me and it shows all used IPs.
Great plugin btw.
What a nice plugin! :-)
But something aint right...
Returns all of the ips associated with a player isn't working :S
While /ip lookup ip address shows all used player aliases for that ip address,
/ip lookup player always shows one ip address (even when more ip addresses were used)
Since ip addresses are difficult to remember, could you please fix this problem for us?
I've tested it under the latest CB development build @ Java 6.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Yes I'll add this option sometime tomorrow, glad it helps :) .
Just what I was looking for, a IP logger that didnt try to ban people, just logged the IP.
Love the CSV export function, thats what has me using this ;)
Hate having to comb through server.log looking for IPs.
edit: could you add a config option to put the IPs in colums or in rows in CSV export.
is it 1.2.3
Great plugin!!! This is just what I needed!! ...My server had a little period where everyone was hacking other people's accounts and such, and we didnt know who was who, but this will sort all that out! Thank you!!
I'll work on changing the format - or at least making it an option.
Edit: Added in v0.4.
I'd use this if it was output to a readable file, csv or tsv.
I'll work on adding that now - thanks for the feedback!
Edit: Uploaded version 0.3.
I like this plugin, however a help menu might help so I don't have to look up the page every time I forget a command.