
This addon allows the following chat enhancing/formatting features:

  • Colour
  • Message Formatting
  • Prefixes + Suffixes
  • Fake Names


The colour codes are from '&0' to '&9', and '&a' to '&f'. They are usable in prefixes, suffixes, and messages. For use in messages, make sure the player has the permission 'iPermitChat.format'

Message Formatting

Editable via config file, the default is '<%P%N%S> %M' where:

  • %P = Prefix
  • %N = Name of Player
  • %S = Suffix
  • %M = Message

The message format is how sent chat messages will appear.

Prefixes + Suffixes

Implemented via the main permission files, you can add prefixes and suffixes to players! Any prefixes assigned to a seperate player override group prefixes. To apply a prefix/suffix to a player/group, your file would look as so:

  permissions: []
    prefix: '&9[PREFIX!]&f'
    suffix: '&a[SUFFIX!]&f'

Fake Names

Fake names allow you to disguise your username with something totally different. There is no notification that this is a fake name, so it allows for you to easily check out any situation, but it doesnt affect prefixes/suffixes. It also doesnt modify your ACTUAL game name, or display name. Fake names can only be applied to seperate users, and not groups. To apply a fake name, under the same area as the prefixes/suffixes go ('<PlayerName>.chat.') add the tag:

  • fakename: 'Derp'


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