iP Address Viewer
When updating to a new iPAV version, make sure that you check the changelog
to see if you need to edit/delete your old configuration file!
iP Address Viewer
iPyronic's Address Viewer
Internet Protocol Address Viewer
A plugin for server administrators that shows them info about users that are joining.
More images at http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ipav/images/
Versions 1.0 through 2.2 of iPAV were developed using the bukkit-1.6.2-R0.2-20130829.060124-15 API and are designed for minecraft 1.6.2 through 1.7.10.
Versions 2.4 through 3.1 of iPAV were developed for minecraft 1.8 and higher. Specific information about what they were built and tested with can be viewed on each version's download page.
Tests usually aren't run on older versions, but iPAV should work for server versions it wasn't built against. For instance, the new 1.8 versions should work as long as your server version has UUID support and the original /tellraw. As such, the new 1.8 versions of iPAV are compatible with servers running minecraft versions like 1.7.6 and 1.7.10.
What does it do?
iPAV started off with the simple idea of showing admins someone's IP when they logged in. Over time, new features were added to increase its capabilities and make it so that admins were able to gain more information about a user that is logging in. The following are iPAV's main features:
- Keeps records of player logins and lets you view those records later by searching for a player name, IP, or UUID
- Creates a list of all online players ordered by their IP so that you can see who is using more than one account on the same connection
- Lets you specify that certain players can only log in on specific IP address(es)
- Lets you specify that a certain IP is blacklisted. Players on a blacklisted IP are shown in red, and blacklisted IPs can optionally work as an IP ban. Together with the ability to use partial IPs, you can effectively ban entire IP ranges all at once.
- Lets you see a list of all logged players, and lets you search through all of those players for names that contain a specific phrase
- Lets you see the geographical location of an IP (when used together with iPAVGeoGrabber)
A list of available commands can be found here:
A list of the permission nodes can be found here:
Default file values can be seen here:
Changes In Next Version
cough<sub> so I don't have to remember later when writing the changelog </sub>cough
- Nothing, bwahahahaha! >: D
Possible Future Changes
<sub>this is just an idea list of things I might do</sub>
- Create a "/av ip list [page]" command
- Create a "/av ip search [text] [page]" command
- Create a "/av uuid list [page]" command
- Create a "/av uuid search [text] [page]" command
- Edit blacklist/whitelist/restrictions/ignores/censors in-game or through console
- Edit or view config settings in-game or through console
APIs used in iPAV:
- Bukkit API (used for almost everything in iPAV)
- AuthMe APIs (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require them)
- xAuth API (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require it)
- CrazyLogin API (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require it)
- Curse ServerMods API (used while checking for iPAV updates [api.curseforge.com])
- iPAVGeoGrabber API (used to allow iPAV to look-up the location of a player's IP when they log in. Requires putting iPAVGeoGrabber on your server if you want the feature)
Feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback that you might have~
Maybe Spigot's Terms and Rules are less restrictive to that regard? (not sure though!).
Someone else suggested that I make a way to view the geographical location of the IP as well, but I don't own any databases containing that information (nor do I know how to grab info from any databases). I do like the idea of seeing the geo location though, and I do have a way to implement a feature that shows the geo location, but it requires downloading the info from a website (as if you had searched the website yourself). However, Bukkit rules prohibit plugins from downloading anything from sites other than api.curseforge.com... I mean, I suppose I could attempt to make an addon plugin to iPAV for it and put a whole bunch of warning links leading to it (and maybe make the source available as well for people that wanna compile it themselves), but Bukkit still might not like that >.< Anyways.... it's a troublesome feature to implement, so no promises x:
Add that you can see the IP geo location!
And if you want to see a players IP or info you get his last geo location too
And now I just scrapped my entire rewrite idea :x
I made some decent progress on it, but it wasn't turning out like I wanted.
Things aren't looking too great for iPAV right now...
And.... it looks like I'm pretty much out of time o.o I'll try to get a 1.8 version out soon with UUID support. It might not be able to transfer old data though, and it might not have all of the features that the current iPAV has right away. It all depends on what I can get done in the remaining time before I release.
Status Update: I have been focused a lot more on my day job recently (among other things), so development on iPAV isn't as active as I'd like. Sorry for the long wait D: I haven't forgotten about it though~
Try giving the permission node "ipav.command" as well.
Note: Don't give "ipav.command.*", these are two different nodes, and the one with the * gives access to all command nodes. On the other hand, the node without the * is a common requirement to use any of the iPAV commands, regardless of whether someone has a specific command node like "ipav.command.player.alias".
Hope this helps~ I'll try to remember to keep this kinda thing out of the new iPAV versions. I'm not liking how I did that...
Only giving my ranks the necessary permissions (i.e. ipav.command.player.alias) somehow doesn't give them permission/access to do /alias playername or /ipav player alias playername
If they do /alias playername it says: Shortcut for "ipav pl al"
But doing /ipav pl al playername, /ipav player alias playername or /ipav show:
Unknown command.
Adding ipav.command.* solves the problem but i don't want to give them access to all of iPAV's commands.
(i use GroupManager, Vault and Essentials)
Note: I'm aware of the addition of UUIDs in newer minecraft versions.
I've been planning a complete rewrite of iPAV, and once it's finished
it will use UUIDs in the data files instead of player names.Edit: Due to the unreliability of UUIDs (such as when mojang servers go down and you can't get someone's real UUID, or when a server needs to switch between online/offline mode for any reason), UUIDs will only serve a side-role next to player names. I'll try to support it as much as possible, but the system is too flawed right now to be used as the main indexing data type. If I ever find through testing that the UUID system behaves like I need it to, the main data type will possibly be changed to UUIDs instead of player names.
if your looking for a plugin to change a domain name look here http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ipchange/
Very nice plugin
+1 vouch
Version 2.1 is now awaiting approval.
iPAV v2.0 (Beta) is finally awaiting approval~
Edit: I have removed the v2.0 that was awaiting approval. I really hated the authentication system I built into iPAV so I'm removing it. I'll have iPAV be able to hook into some authentication plugins instead.
Authentication plugins I plan to integrate into iPAV include:
- AuthMe
- xAuth
Edit: Both AuthMe and xAuth are now integrated into iPAV, I will test a little more and then re-release v2.0 again. If you use a different authentication plugin and would like iPAV to recognize it, tell me what it is and I'll see if I can add it (no guarantees, AuthMe and xAuth both had easy-access APIs).
Edit: v2.0 has been re-uploaded. I'm very content with it, so I doubt I'll be deleting this one like I did before ;D
(Nov. 3rd) I've run into some problems in v2.0 that are keeping me from finishing and releasing it. I'll try to find some time Nov 4th and see if I can complete it.
Edit (morning of Nov. 5th): I lied about working on it Nov 4th, I was asleep all of that day after work D;
Edit again (evening of Nov. 5th): My job gives me a decent amount of time to think about random stuff, and today I thought of a valid solution to the problem keeping me from releasing v2.0 (I had no solution before, so even if I wasn't asleep all of yesterday I wouldn't have been able to do much). It if all goes well, v2.0 will be released today.
Edit (evening of Nov. 6th): Sorry for all of the delays to those that are waiting for v2.0. I thought I'd be able to make myself enough time during the week to do what I needed to, but the way things look I might not get sufficient time to develop till the weekend comes again :(
Edit (morning of Nov. 10th): I'm extremely close to finishing v2.0, there's just a little bit more for me to finish coding and then test before I can release it~
When I think about how I only wanted to see colored IPs when people connected and nothing else, it's kinda funny how much this plugin grew ;D I never expected to be making the features that exist or will exist xD
I've mostly been making this all for me and the server I'm an administrator on :x I don't know if the people that downloaded iPAV even like it >.<
Feel free to leave a comment about your opinions regarding iPAV~ Do you like it? Did you like it? Are there things that you dislike about it? Do you like french toast more than iPAV? Do you like iPAV more than the creeper that blew up your diamonds? I'm open to feedback of all flavors, so don't hesitate to share :)
Edit: Regarding v2.0. I might not finish by the end of today (Sunday October 27). I have work during the weekdays so I don't get as much time to sit at my computer and develop. If not by tomorrow or during this week, I'll hopefully have v2.0 ready during the next weekend (November 2 ~ 3).
v1.8 has been released.
It contains a fix for ipav.bypass.*, as well as a fix for login plugins that mess up seeDefaults. /ipav pl alias [player] will also show IPs now.
Note: Although this was developed for 1.6.2, it will work in 1.6.4 as well.
I ran into a couple more bugs while fixing the blacklist blocking. For the most part things are fixed, but I will be releasing v1.7 tomorrow instead of right now.
v1.7 will contain bug fixes (concerning IP restricting, blacklisting regions, blacklist blocking, and blacklist coloring when a user connects), new permission nodes for hiding from people that use /ipav list and /ipav seerList, new permission nodes for being able to see all users (even if he/she is exempt from being seen on /ipav list and /ipav seerList), separate files for whitelisting/blacklisting/IP restricting, and the ability to choose whether or not regular players connecting on a whitelisted IP will be logged.
Edit: v1.7 is now available.
Unfortunately, adding a feature that is capable of figuring out the geological location of an IP is out of my league, sorry D:
I personally need to use a website called WhatIsMyIP whenever I'm curious about where someone is from xD