iP Address Viewer

When updating to a new iPAV version, make sure that you check the changelog
to see if you need to edit/delete your old configuration file!

iP Address Viewer

iPyronic's Address Viewer
Internet Protocol Address Viewer

A plugin for server administrators that shows them info about users that are joining.


Versions 1.0 through 2.2 of iPAV were developed using the bukkit-1.6.2-R0.2-20130829.060124-15 API and are designed for minecraft 1.6.2 through 1.7.10.

Versions 2.4 through 3.1 of iPAV were developed for minecraft 1.8 and higher. Specific information about what they were built and tested with can be viewed on each version's download page.

Tests usually aren't run on older versions, but iPAV should work for server versions it wasn't built against. For instance, the new 1.8 versions should work as long as your server version has UUID support and the original /tellraw. As such, the new 1.8 versions of iPAV are compatible with servers running minecraft versions like 1.7.6 and 1.7.10.

What does it do?

iPAV started off with the simple idea of showing admins someone's IP when they logged in. Over time, new features were added to increase its capabilities and make it so that admins were able to gain more information about a user that is logging in. The following are iPAV's main features:

  • Keeps records of player logins and lets you view those records later by searching for a player name, IP, or UUID
  • Creates a list of all online players ordered by their IP so that you can see who is using more than one account on the same connection
  • Lets you specify that certain players can only log in on specific IP address(es)
  • Lets you specify that a certain IP is blacklisted. Players on a blacklisted IP are shown in red, and blacklisted IPs can optionally work as an IP ban. Together with the ability to use partial IPs, you can effectively ban entire IP ranges all at once.
  • Lets you see a list of all logged players, and lets you search through all of those players for names that contain a specific phrase
  • Lets you see the geographical location of an IP (when used together with iPAVGeoGrabber)


A list of available commands can be found here:


A list of the permission nodes can be found here:


Default file values can be seen here:

Changes In Next Version

cough<sub> so I don't have to remember later when writing the changelog </sub>cough

  • Nothing, bwahahahaha! >: D

Possible Future Changes

<sub>this is just an idea list of things I might do</sub>

  • Create a "/av ip list [page]" command
  • Create a "/av ip search [text] [page]" command
  • Create a "/av uuid list [page]" command
  • Create a "/av uuid search [text] [page]" command
  • Edit blacklist/whitelist/restrictions/ignores/censors in-game or through console
  • Edit or view config settings in-game or through console


APIs used in iPAV:

  • Bukkit API (used for almost everything in iPAV)
  • AuthMe APIs (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require them)
  • xAuth API (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require it)
  • CrazyLogin API (used for authentication checking, iPAV doesn't require it)
  • Curse ServerMods API (used while checking for iPAV updates [api.curseforge.com])
  • iPAVGeoGrabber API (used to allow iPAV to look-up the location of a player's IP when they log in. Requires putting iPAVGeoGrabber on your server if you want the feature)

Feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback that you might have~


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 29, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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