Installation and Configuration

Installation and Configuration


Install Vault. Put the InvShops.jar in your plugins folder and restart or reload the server.


InvShops will create a config.yml and a shop.yml in which all shops are stored. In the config.yml you can define, if InvShops should create a dummyshop (which basically is only to show some features) and you can define the messages a player will get while using a shop. You don't have to edit the shops.yml by hand at all, everything is possible with ingame commands.

Default config looks like this:

create_dummy_shop: true
  noMoney: $cYou don't have enough money!
  noItems: $cYou don't have the required items in your inventory!
  noSpace: $cThere is no space in your inventory!

Default shops.yml whith dummyshop looks like this:

  displayname: Dummyshop
  max_trades: 0
  - is.use.dummyshop
    '0': STONE 64 lore='Sell a stack of;stone for 3 goldnuggets'
    '2': DIAMOND_PICKAXE:123 1 displayname='$cPickaxe' lore='This Pickaxe;costs 16 goldnuggets' enchantments='DIG_SPEED 4;DURABILITY 3'
    '4': IRON_SWORD 1 displayname='$6Sword' lore='This sword;costs 20 currency' enchantments='DAMAGE_ALL 4'
    '0': STONE 64
    '2': GOLD_NUGGET 16
    '4': ''
    '0': GOLD_NUGGET 3
    '2': slot
    '4': slot
    '0': 0
    '2': 0
    '4': -20
    '0': $aYou've sold a stack of stone for 3 goldnuggets.
    '2': $aYou've bought a pickaxe for 16 goldnuggets.
    '4': $aYou've bought a sword for 20 currency.

If you edit the shops.yml by hand, remember the following:

  • set max_trades to 0 to disable it
  • In costs and gains you can replace the item with 'slot', if you want to buy/sell the exact same item as in slot
  • Character for colorcodes is '$'
  • Multiple lines in lore are seperated with ';'
  • Multiple enchantments are seperated with ';'
  • List of all valid materials: click
  • List of all valid enchantments: click
  • An item is written in the following syntax: <material>[:durability] <amount> [meta='values']


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