This plugin was built for admins to automatically store player inventories and restore them on demand in case of accidental inventory loss. It stores them based on a simple number system, and backups/stores old log files every reload/restart. It was born out of the need for our admins to restore lost items due to inventory management glitches with other plugins, without relying on complicated item loss tickets or explanations.
This plugin requires vault!
It has 3 base files
Config.yml: Contains a configurable delay option.
Usage.yml: Stores the date and time of when an admin restores an inventory
Saves.yml: Where the inventories are saved
Saves.yml is wiped every reload/restart and backed up. Makes a max of three backups.
Permission: "invrestore.use"
Command: "/rInv <player> [Optional: savenumber]"
configVersion: The version your config is updated for... changing this will reset your configuration
showPlayerMessage: (true|false) Decides whether to send a player a message when inventories are saved
delayInMinutes: The time (In minutes) in between each inventory save
This Plugin Requires Vault
Get it here,
You will be unable to use it without vault
On server restart, InvRestore makes the server hang, thus unable to start up.
There are no error logs. The last message in console is: InvRestore Enabled.
I suspect InvRestore being unable to successfully make backups of saves.yml...
I'm curious to see if your plugin can help me out here. I would like this plugin to save player inventories to MySQL (preferred) and timestamp them somehow, so that it is not limited to 3 versions. I want to be able to save player's inventories on demand with a command like /inv save <player> and then load them back on demand with /inv load <player> or whatever.
Does this make sense? I have been looking everywhere for a plugin that can help me!
The rInv command should only be given to those whom you trust. If you give it to someone who would have reason to dupe, it is a good idea not to give it to them. It is the admin's job to investigate and make sure the rInv is a legitmate need of the target player and not an attempted duplication.
Hi !
It's a good plugin !
Can you add a language file to change the broadcast in the next version ?
But I have a problem, when I restore a player's inventory, items are returned to the unit (ex : if a player has 30 cobblestone, when I restore his inventory, he receives only 1 cobblestone...)
All right guys. @EmpathyHeals @MGbeenieboy @brinaq @HeroCC @gameacid13 and more, a new update is about to be released. I am taking over the plugin with my new account, @CantStopTheDerp. Anyway, Please let me know of any issues, as this sort of thing is hard to test on my own. If you experience any lag, please hit me up at my Skype "Gumybearking" (Spelled with one "m" on purpose.). Thanks for the support!
This is great if a player falls into the void or something, and they are complaining that they had 20 diamonds or something. Because I am not sure if they are lying or not I can just restore their true inventory. Although I really need an update! thank you!
Just a few of my findings. This plugins absolutely destroys my logs. Every few seconds I'm seeing that a player has been backed up. I haven't been able to check if that is configurable or not yet, but the real problem is that it is saving players who aren't even on.
On server restart, InvRestore makes the server hang, thus unable to start up. There are no error logs. The last message in console is: InvRestore Enabled.
I suspect InvRestore being unable to successfully make backups of saves.yml...
I'm on Spigot 1.7.10 (1.8 hack).
Let me know if you need more info.
Regards, Sinuce
I'm curious to see if your plugin can help me out here. I would like this plugin to save player inventories to MySQL (preferred) and timestamp them somehow, so that it is not limited to 3 versions. I want to be able to save player's inventories on demand with a command like /inv save <player> and then load them back on demand with /inv load <player> or whatever. Does this make sense? I have been looking everywhere for a plugin that can help me!
The rInv command should only be given to those whom you trust. If you give it to someone who would have reason to dupe, it is a good idea not to give it to them. It is the admin's job to investigate and make sure the rInv is a legitmate need of the target player and not an attempted duplication.
Hi ! It's a good plugin ! Can you add a language file to change the broadcast in the next version ?
But I have a problem, when I restore a player's inventory, items are returned to the unit (ex : if a player has 30 cobblestone, when I restore his inventory, he receives only 1 cobblestone...)
Sorry for my bad english ^^
Thank you !
put stuff in a chest and issue rinv command and you can easy DUP items already put in chest. err
mysql database support?
Whoops, I posted this with the wrong account. Anyway, this is legit.
All right guys. @EmpathyHeals @MGbeenieboy @brinaq @HeroCC @gameacid13 and more, a new update is about to be released. I am taking over the plugin with my new account, @CantStopTheDerp. Anyway, Please let me know of any issues, as this sort of thing is hard to test on my own. If you experience any lag, please hit me up at my Skype "Gumybearking" (Spelled with one "m" on purpose.). Thanks for the support!
does this work with 1.7.2?
God, PLEASE! Let this plugin work on 1.7 :S
This is great if a player falls into the void or something, and they are complaining that they had 20 diamonds or something. Because I am not sure if they are lying or not I can just restore their true inventory. Although I really need an update! thank you!
Is there a 1.6 version?
Is there a dev build site for this plugin?
Very interested in this plugin! Looks to be exactly what I've been looking for. Hoping for a new update soon :)
Will this be updated at all soon? or does it still work without any problems?
No, ArmorContents is what they wear. The inventory is simple what is in their "backpack".
You don't backup what the character is wearing so this becomes and issue also. Inventory includes what they wear.
Just a few of my findings. This plugins absolutely destroys my logs. Every few seconds I'm seeing that a player has been backed up. I haven't been able to check if that is configurable or not yet, but the real problem is that it is saving players who aren't even on.
Really sorry, I have heard the errors, Working on it, Sorry for delay, School makes plugin-ing tough
Getting a lot of console errors when I use this plugin. It doesn't fully restore inventorys either :( need something like this badly!