
InviteMe Logo

InviteMe is a plugin that allows players on your server to invite their friends.

Friends make the experience of Minecraft all more exciting. Fortunately, with InviteMe, you can invite them! Just use /invite player_name and they will be added to the whitelist.

What is it?

InviteMe is a lightweight plugin that allows your server's players to add their friends to the whitelist. Each player can add 5 players to the whitelist.

Note: This plugin has no permissions, this means that any player can invite someone to the server.

Now, to begin, you want to:

  1. Install the plugin: Copy InviteMe.jar and all or any of the other .jar files (depending on the features that you want) into your Bukkit server's plugins folder. If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
  2. You're done! InviteMe doesn't need to be configured in any way. As said, I may add more features like this, however.


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Want to make InviteMe better?

InviteMe is entirely open source! Visit me on GitHub, take a look through the InviteMe source code and learn from it!


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