

When you type /godd, your health and hunger are reset and all incoming damage it set to 0, so you only look like you take damage!


  • Ability to specify other players
  • Console support
  • Hunger prevention (hunger cannot go below 4 slabs of meat when in godd mode)
  • Multiple permissions
  • Shortnaming players (don't have to use a players full name)

Why the hell would I want that

You are an administrator, you don't need any of that, you have /god! Maybe so, but it depends what you are trying to do. If you want to go under cover on the server as a player, then god mode kinda gives you away when no one is able to hit you. With InvisiGod you are able to go on with an undercover alt and see the server through the eyes of a player rather than an administrator, without fear of being killed.

Commands and permissions

key: <required>, [optional]

invisigod.godd/godd (Cannot specify others)
invisigod.goddother/godd [player]
invisigod.autogoddGive godd mode to players on connect (requires invisigod.godd or invisigod.goddother)
Opped players/godd [player]
CONSOLE/godd <player>

Planned features

FeatureStatusSuggested by
Auto godd people as they join if they have the correct permissionImplemented as of InvisiGod_3.0madtomic


InvisiGod_1.0 (CB 1.7.9-R0.2)

  • Initial release

InvisiGod_2.0 (CB 1.7.9-R0.2)

  • Working fall damage
  • Compliance with people using op permissions
  • Console support
  • Ability to specify other players
  • Godded players don't get hungry

InvisiGod_2.1 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • Fixed java error spam in console from godding a player who is not online

InvisiGod_3.0 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • Now compiled for java 1.7 instead of java 1.8, more widely supported on servers
  • Added a permission to auto godd player when they connect

InvisiGod_3.1 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • Fixed the plugin.yml file so ops do not have invisigod.autogodd by default. A permission is now required to be autogodded


InvisiGod_1.0 (CB 1.7.9-R0.2)

  • Fall damage does not do anything, no sound / hurt animation ect
  • Opping yourself instead of using permission nodes will require you to /reload each server restart to be allowed godd mode

InvisiGod_2.0 (CB 1.7.9-R0.2)

  • If the console is used to godd or ungodd a player who is not online, you will get a java error (harmless but not supposed to happen)

InvisiGod_2.1 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • Requires Java 1.8 or later (most servers are still running Java 1.7)

InvisiGod_3.0 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • Opped players are given the permission invisigod.autogodd

InvisiGod_3.1 (1.8.1-R0.1)

  • None known

Other notes

I'm new to java programming, this is my first plugin and it would not be possible without help from rymate1234 (debugging the code and explaining things to me). So if you like this plugin, give him some of the credit too

I highly encourage you to report any bugs you find in my plugin to me, just leave a comment below. If you don't report them then I can't fix them!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 16, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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