
Easily give a player any items for retrieval at their convenience. Editing by admins and withdrawal by players both use the chest inventory in-game interface. The default /give command requires a player to be present and their inventory having space to receive items, this plugin allows you to give players items without them being present or concerned about their inventory space.

Admins can edit a "Delivery" inventory for specific players and fill them with any items available to the admin's inventory, just like filling up a chest. Players can then right click in the air while holding a chest to open their boxes and withdraw the items (or even use the /withdraw command if you'd prefer.) Players can not place any items into a Delivery inventory or even replace the items they have taken out. It's not designed to be a storage mechanism for the player, just a pull based interface for when they are ready to receive the items.

The Inventory plugin is a convenient distribution mechanism that does not break default game mechanics (players do not have any additional inventory to store their items after they are retrieved) and keeps the interactions intuitive with how the game already works (chest inventories are a familiar interaction with players instead of typing /commands and learning parameters).

The Inventory plugin also supports defining a collection of items referred to as a "Kit" and then sending kits with the /kit command. This helps automate supplying players with commonly given items in a single command.

[ All item storage fully supports standard Bukkit item metadata. This means enchantments, books, custom names, lore, etc, are all able to be stored and delivered. ]


Open your specific pull based inventory
(Requires inventory.withdraw permission, default allows everyone to open their own)
(The inventory.withdraw.chest permission allows players to simply right click in the air with a chest to do the same as this command, and by default everyone can do this also)

/delivery.edit player
Edit a player specific pull based inventory
(Requires inventory.edit permission, default allows ops only)

/delivery.empty player
Remove all items from a payer specific pull based inventory
(Requires inventory.empty permission, default allows ops only)

/kit.define kit
Create (use a new name), edit, or delete (remove all items)
(Requires inventory.define permission, default allows ops only)

/kit kit player [quantity]
Issue or recall a kit
(Requires inventory.kit permission, default allows ops only)

/kit.delete kit
Delete a kit without opening the chest interface for it
(Requires inventory.delete permission, default allows ops only)

/copy [player]
Copy the item currently held, and optionally send it to the designated player
(Requires inventory.copy permission, default allows ops only)

/move player
Move the item currently held to the designated player
(Requires inventory.move permission, default allows ops only)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Sep 22, 2013
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