

What is InventoryPresets?

InventoryPresets is a new plugin aimed at KitPvP server owners and creative servers (though it has uses other places too :P) who want their players to be able to define their own inventory setup for fighting or themed building. This does include armor! This way, a player can use a simple command and receive their customized inventory, exactly in the order they like it.

Well, how does it work?

  • In order to set an inventory preset, a player uses just uses a simple command, /savepreset [name]. This saves a preset called [name] for the player to use. It saves the armor as well as items! Permission:
  • To load an inventory preset, use /loadpreset [name]. This loads an inventory preset called [name] into the player's inventory. It also loads his preset armor. Permission: InventoryPresets.load
  • To delete a preset, use /deletepreset [name]. This will delete an inventory preset called [name] from the player's list of saved presets. Permission: InventoryPresets.delete

That sounds complicated for players to remember.

Well, you're in luck! I just added signs for players to save, load, and delete their presets. It really can't get much more simple without it reading your mind. To set up a sign, just make a sign with these lines:

  1. [Presets]
  1. Load / Save / Delete

It will automatically generate the rest. The permission to create signs is InventoryPresets.sign. Examples:

goes to

Please Note

This plugin does use metrics. I will be updating this page to display them shortly :3. You can opt out by changing the configuration file in the PluginMetrics folder.

Also, the GitHub link contains a download for the plugin that is NOT yet approved. It might break things. Really, be careful using it and back up your Data Folder. The link is

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 2, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Mar 6, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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