Getting Started

Once the plugin is installed and Bukkit has been restarted, you'll need to configure the plugin to connect to a database, and optionally turn on the web server.

Creating a database

You must either create a new MySQL database or use an existing one. In either case, a MySQL user must exist will the following permissions for the database:

  • DROP

Gather and make a note of the following information:

  • MySQL server hostname or IP address
  • MySQL port number (if MySQL is not using the default port of 3306)
  • Database name
  • User name with the privileges listed above for the database.
  • Password

If the database will not be used exclusively by the plugin, you may also want to decide on a table name prefix to make sure the plugin's tables don't conflict with existing tables. If you decide to use a prefix, make a note of it as well.

For the commands listed in the following steps, the following values will be used. Your values will probably be different, so make adjustments as necessary.

  • server: localhost
  • port: 3306 (default)
  • database name: inquisitor
  • user name: bukkit
  • password: very_clever

Configure the plugin: database

At the Bukkit console, issue the following commands, making adjustments for the actual values in your environment.

inq db set url jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/inquisitor
inq db set username bukkit
inq db set password very_clever

The plugin should report successfully connecting to the database after the last command. At this point, the plugin will also start statistics collection and records will be written to the database periodically.

Configure the plugin: web server

If you'd like to use the built-in web server to view player statistics, you must configure and enable it. The configuration defaults should be adequate for a simple installation but may need to be adjusted for servers with a large number of users. Use the following command to enable to web server:

inq webserver enable

Once successfully enabled and assuming you haven't changed the default listen address, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Going further

Read the Commands and Configuration pages for more information and options.


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