Quote:Want to save a million signs at your spawn point explaining rules and info? Well, now you can have a simple button! Press it, and it will either show the user text, in colour format which you define in a text file. Or run a command. Simple but effective!
![]() | Version | InfoButton-2.1-R1 |
![]() | Bukkit Release | 1.3.2-R0.1 |
![]() | Requires | ![]() |
![]() | Development Builds | ![]() |
![]() | Javadoc API | ![]() |
![]() | Source code | ![]() |
How to set up
Run a command
- Place a button
- Look at the button and type /ib create
- Still looking at the button, type /ib command <command> <args> (Do not include the /)
Read a file
- Place a button
- Look at the button and type /ib create
- Create a file with the text inside and upload to plugins/InfoButton/infoBooks/ (Make sure it has no spaces in the filename, and it is a .txt)
- Still looking at the button, type /ib file <filename> (Do not type the .txt) Note: You may use colours, bold, underline, strikethrough in the txt file. To do this, use &a, &b etc for colours, &o for bold, etc
One tutorial-video? I dont understand
After seeing lack of documentation on this plugin, I'm volunteering for becoming a documenter (since I don't see any of these in your 'authors' section).
If you're interested, drop me a PM.
<3 you too ;)
Dear developers of this plugin,
I think I love you.
Try adding the pressure pad ID into the config
Can you add the support for pressureplates?
Please add a feature for one-time use for buttons, would be very helpful.
Jinxed it! aha! I'll look into it, Iconomy shouldn't make a difference as this plugin uses Vault.
Possibly. I'm sure theres already a plugin that does the books however. If not, let me know and i'll see about adding it.
Yeah, the saving is bugged in the versions on here, i think i fixed it but cannot remember, i'll need to take a closer look. Will be fixed for next update.
It's supposed to! strange, again it is a little buggy it was a "rushed" plugin you could say...
The order of the commands do not save, i need to revamp that portion of the plugin to make it recognize an order, editing the order would be awkward though.
Same issues as above, i'll take a look and should be fixed for next update.
I Have the same problem on Server 1.5.1
my Text file are mixed up :(
The error occurs when stop the server. the actions of the buttons will be mixed. I think the save routine has a error.
Error description:
multible action entrys of type File on every button.
Self error corection direct in the config.yml:
Delete all button except button 0: with 1 action node.
then redefine all button with /ib c and /ib af <file_name>
All works fine since 2 days :) also after restart the server
:( :( After 3 days its mixed up again :(
Really weird thing going on..
When I make some buttons with all different commands, they work fine. Until I reload/restart server.. The Config gets mixed up and changes the setup to: 1 original, and 1 random previous used one.
Having same issue.
Thats probably because breaking a button ingame without typing /ib delete would not delete the actual information associated with it. You can look in the buttons.yml file (I think thats what its called) and delete all buttons you dont use/need, or the multiple things they do.
Wow, this plugin is awesome! Thanks a lot! There's one stupid issue I'm having though, where a button which is protected by for example WorldGuard, if someone attempts to break it, it says not allowed, but the command/text associated with it will be deleted. It would still be on disk, but the button just wont do anything. I think the best way to fix this issue, would be by making the plugin protect its own buttons. Cheers!
So i got the weird issue where random buttons on my server add a random file to random button. I end up with having two files on one button and it isnt a player adding it. What could be the cause of this.
Do you think you could add so we could also have info books with the just doing one command or when you first join the server and if you could make it so people can make the info book through the config or through commands and if you do it through game could you make it so you could edit the book if you made a mistake and want to edit it? Maybe being able to add color codes would be nice to for example in the config you could make it have color codes. And if you could also edit the author of the name of the book via a command or config
If it helps any, i am using Iconomy. glad to see a developer fast at responding :)
If you set a price on the button, then there is a bug. It could be the cont plugin I noticed on my own server vault could not recognise the fact that craft coming had multiworld currency support and therefor meant that my custom plugin would not work. But I will look into this issue later when I get home
My players are still able to use buttons even if they dont have enough money. my button sells fire for 5k, the formats i added are, acc give %player% fire 1, broadcast a message, and i have the price set to 5k in the specific button permissions. how do i stop them from using a button if they dnt have enough money?
acc is short for addconsolecommand
/ib acc give %player% fire 1
how would i add the button to execute a command to the player?
is it something like: /ib addconsolecommand give {name} fire 1 or is it either not possible or not like that...