-What does it do?--
iMention will notify a player if their name is mentioned in the chat! In case they are AFK, or just not paying attention!
-How does it notify them?--
Currently, it plays a sound from the config! In the future, there will most likely be an option for fireworks, messages, and more.
-What does the config look like?
Our config is pretty simple:
prefix: '&4[&6iMention&4]'
notify: 'true'
This is it by default
/notify | imention.notify.toggle | Will allow mention notification toggling!
imention.notify | Should this player be notified when his name is mentioned?
-Coming Soon--
I don't know what else to add! Tell me!
This is nice, ive been looking for something like this, now i found it. But as always a problem: Its compatible with 1.6.4, i run it on my server. But it doesnt display a sound when i say a players name. Can you fix that?