
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

No longer being updated here; development has moved elsewhere.

No longer being updated here; development has moved elsewhere.


A bukkit plugin which permits users to set custom namecolors through nicknames without permitting special characters or impersonation.

Checks Available through NickMe:

  • Nickname Check to verify that the nickname with colors matches the player name
  • Nickname Check to verify that no formatting characters are used in player nicknames
  • Nickname Check to verify that the K (obfuscation, aka fast text) character isn't used in player nicknames
  • Nickname length check
Originally designed for use on PrimeMC and TheCapital.

Essentials - used to set the nicknames
Any chat management plugin - required for colors to show
Permission system (optional) - required to give certain ranks access

1. Drop NickMe-VERSION.jar into your plugins folder.
2. Configure/Setup permissions using the info provided below.
3. Set the essentials nickname limit to 48 (or whatever you want it to be; I'd suggest 48). 4. Have Fun?

Permissions/Commands (all default to OP if no permission system is present):
nickme.use - Set your nickname (players may reset their nicknames to their default IGN without this)
nickme.reload - Reload the plugin
nickme.permitspecial - Give players permission to use formatting characters (ex. strikethrough, underline, bold).
nickme.permitk - Give players permission to use K (the obfuscation, aka fast text) character in their nickname.
nickme.anyname - Permit players to use a name that doesn't exactly match their username.

maxnicklength: The maximum length that will be accepted. Defaults to 48 (16 char username with a color code for each letter).
debug: Defaults to false. Used by me to find bugs. Please ignore this.

/nickme [nickname] - Set your nickname to whatever is fed in, with a few caveats (mentioned below).
/nickme version - See the current version of the plugin that is installed.
/nickme reload - Reload the plugin's config file.


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  • 1.1
    Jun 20, 2015