Min and Max #112

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to travja
  • _ForgeUser6831308 created this issue Jun 1, 2013

    Enchancement: Adding a Minimum Players needed to configuration
    This is only for the Auto-Start function you guys already have. Explanation further on.

    I saw that you have an Auto-Start function. I also saw that you have a configuration for a maximum amount of players.
    But nowhere on the front page does it say you have a minimum amount of players for the arena.

    Can there be an option for this? Currently, I feel like players can abuse the rewards that can be won at the end of the arena if they just join as a group of 2 and die instantly afterwards, giving the winner free items. As such, I don't really trust the Auto-Restart option you have in the configuration file.

    Also, can you make it so the command that starts the arena overrides the minimum amount of players needed? Such as a Server Owner (like myself) can just do the command to start the arena instead of waiting for the number of people to join in?

  • _ForgeUser6831308 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 1, 2013
  • _ForgeUser9935581 posted a comment Jul 21, 2014

    I truly agree with this suggestion !

    I wan to put a min players on my server, but I didn't found how ! :(

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