About HorseMount
HorseMount is a flexible player mount system. It allows players to summon and dismiss horse mounts with a simple command. Players can also choose to set their default mount via command or sign from 140 different mount types.
- Easily summon mounts, tame mounts, attach a saddle, attach armor, and mount the horse with a single command
- Destroy horses on dismount
- Only let players mount horses if they have permission
- Choose from 140 variant, color and armor combinations including Horses, Mules, Donkeys, Skeleton Horses, and Undead Horses
- Permissions for every Horse combination
- Option to prevent horses from spawning naturally
- Option to prevent mounts from dropping items
- Prevent players from using/modifying horse inventories
Planned Features (in no specific order)
- Transfer configurable percentage of damage from mount to rider
- Configurable damage reduction for each horse armor type
- Configurable chance to dismount when attacked
- Configurable miss chance while mounted
- Option to dismount when player attacks another entity
- Option to prevent item pickups while mounted
- Configurable cooldown/warmup time
- Command blacklist while mounted
- Persistent Horse Chests
- Configurable speed for each horse variant
- Configurable speed reduction for armored horses
- Signs to set default horses
- Economy support
How to Install
- Copy JAR file to your /plugins directory
- Set up permissions for users/groups
- Edit config.yml (Optional)
- Enjoy!
This is a very robust horse mounting plugin! Two thumbs up, an update would be awesome!
I have a suggestion :D Can you add a feature where you horse can give off particle effects? or maybe leave a trail of whatever, like a trail of snow? :D That would be awesome!
This is such a good plugin.... Can we get an update?
Disable drops is all I needed, thank you!
This plugin causes normal horses to not behave as usual. They require perms to me mounted normaly. Is it possible for the default spawning of horses and use of them to remain untouched while this plugin functions to add functionality for certain users?
You should listen to your own horsespawning event (with highest priority) and set it to not cancelled, this would allow players to spawn horses in mobspawning disabled regions like citys.
Would love an economy feature so players can purchase different horses (and maybe even faster ones) with currency in-game.
Also - there's an error being thrown if you use a plugin to force a player to ride.
Can you do something about this?
Can someone paste me the group config? Idk why but when i set the groups and users try use the horse it fail on permissions or horse dont exist -.-
plz can you make a video on this plugin plz i really wanna it but when i do a command it says i dont have permission or something plz help
When i try /setmount undead i have the following message:
A limit of spawn would be very useful !
Like: 2horse per player
Number chose by the config
Hi, I just want to know if the plugin can disable horse breeding. It will be very usefull for my server :)
really hoping theres a way to do this soon, tried "MyHorse" and it failed horribly... tried "Horses" and while it works nicely, you cant release a horse from your ownership without killing it, cant add other riders, or transfer ownership AND it doenst save speed either :(
oh well, i guess its just minecraft we are waiting for. then bukkit
I'll implement this after I finish some of the other high-priority features.
It doesn't currently modify stats. I'll eventually have options for configurable speed and jump height which will be saved between summons.
Make sure whoever is trying to set the skeleton horse has the correct permissions. If they do, make sure they're typing "/setmount skeleton" then "/mount" to mount it. :)
does this plugin save all horse stats (including speed) and re-enstate those stats on summon?
most other virtual stable plugins so far do not have any support for saving horse speed.
thats a realy nice plugin! exactly what i need! but: is there a way to enable this plugin only in 1 world? because it affects the other worlds too... the horses in other worlds (with no permissions for this plugin) dissapper too after unmounting :(
if you could add something with worlds in the config..... would be awesome
Would it be possible to add a player to those commands and make them executable from console?
/setmount <variant> [style] [color]
/setmount <player> <variant> [style] [color]
/setarmour <type>
/setarmour <player> <type>
1º Now all the horses disappear. 2º Can it be protected or not to spank?