About HorseMount
HorseMount is a flexible player mount system. It allows players to summon and dismiss horse mounts with a simple command. Players can also choose to set their default mount via command or sign from 140 different mount types.
- Easily summon mounts, tame mounts, attach a saddle, attach armor, and mount the horse with a single command
- Destroy horses on dismount
- Only let players mount horses if they have permission
- Choose from 140 variant, color and armor combinations including Horses, Mules, Donkeys, Skeleton Horses, and Undead Horses
- Permissions for every Horse combination
- Option to prevent horses from spawning naturally
- Option to prevent mounts from dropping items
- Prevent players from using/modifying horse inventories
Planned Features (in no specific order)
- Transfer configurable percentage of damage from mount to rider
- Configurable damage reduction for each horse armor type
- Configurable chance to dismount when attacked
- Configurable miss chance while mounted
- Option to dismount when player attacks another entity
- Option to prevent item pickups while mounted
- Configurable cooldown/warmup time
- Command blacklist while mounted
- Persistent Horse Chests
- Configurable speed for each horse variant
- Configurable speed reduction for armored horses
- Signs to set default horses
- Economy support
How to Install
- Copy JAR file to your /plugins directory
- Set up permissions for users/groups
- Edit config.yml (Optional)
- Enjoy!
apologies i see the issue
Build #2815 works a dream!!!!
can you stop them from spawning more than one horse or make it configurable?
Thanks for the feedback!
Unfortunately, it's not possible to change the horse opacity through the plugin. You might be able to do it with a texture pack, but I'm not positive.
As for leather horse armor, it's not in the game so I can't add it. Hopefully mojang will add it in a future patch.
horsemount.* works, also if you're adding groups you can do:*
I'd like to see permission node groups. Like horsemount.* to grant all permissions (say for Ops), and groups for the varients, styles, colors if your not interested in the granular control.
Hello, Is there anyway to make a horse have opacity. Or should I say kinda see through..? Or deviod of color. But still manage to make it looks like a house maybe like a piece of glass texture for the horse color..? Reason I ask is this mod is EXACTLY like an Ethreal Mount in the old Ultima Online. I want to use this on a UO style Server me and my Brother are building and this would work Perfectly for a Ethreal Mount. But Ehtreal mounts were like a ghost mount and so having this have some opacity would be perfect. Maybe a command switch in configre for Opacity True or False.
Also what about leather horse armor.? I always wondered why they forgot leather and cloth or some chain mix with some leather looks would have been cool..
But thats my idea to help this out. For me would make this mod PERFECT..
Thanks again for creating this as I was already starting to figure out how to make a spawnable hourse but you beat me to it Thank You. Plus Im no programmer in anyway so would have taken me forever.. hehehe Thanks again.
Sweet plugin man, got it working. Maybe add more types of horses? Enderdragon? xD
It's built on Build #2815. If the commands aren't working, you'll probably need to update. If updating doesn't fix the issues, please check your server.log for errors and make a ticket.
What craftbukkit version is this built on?
Edit: this isn't working on craftbukkit #2810 but working on the latest one dev build
Umm, the commands don't see to be working?
Thanks! It's high on my todo list. :)
Vault integration for cost of use also awesome.
Looking great so far! But the above polishes it.
I uploaded a release. Just waiting for it to get approved.
EDIT: Release was approved
Can't wait for a release!
Glad to hear you like the idea! If you have any suggestions or feature requests, feel free to post a ticket or comment!
I've been working on this daily, and should have a build up in 1-2 days :)
Hey im looking forward to using this plugin on my server when it finally becomes approved ^_^