Horse Bodyguard


This is a simple plugin that allows you to make your horses private so no one can damage or ride them.Also this is my first plugin, so please comment suggestions, so I can always improve. :D

How to use

This plugin is very simple to use, you just need to tame a horse!When you tame it, automatically the horse will be protected, what means that just YOU can ride and damage the horse!
Remember that: When you tame the horse, a message will appear on the chat saying that the horse is now private.

Commands and permissions

Right now there arenĀ“t any commands or permissions, but you can give ideas on the comments section below.

Configuration File

Example of the configuration file:

#Configuration for the plugin Horse Bodyguard by garimuchi

#General plugin settings
enableCustomRecipes: true
reverseDamage: true

#Horse damage settings
disableHorseExplosionDamage: true
disableHorseDrowningDamage: true
disableHorseWitherDamage: true
disableHorseLavaDamage: true
disableHorseFireDamage: true

As you can see the configuration is pretty much self explanatory, but in case you did not get it, here is some explanation:

Horse damage settings: This is where you configure if you want that some damages do not be applied to horse ( This counts for every horse in the world, even the untamed! )

General plugin settings:This is where the main plugin settings are, such as the custom recipes, and the reverse damage ( which makes the player take the damage that he would do to the horse! This just work with tamed horses )

Crafting Recipes



Iron Horse Armor

Iron Horse Armor

Gold Horse Armor

Gold Horse Amor

Diamond Horse Armor

Diamond Horse Armor

You can give more ideas in the comments!

The Idea

The idea come out while my friend was playing on a server, when someone come and kill his horse, and stole his friend horse.So he ask me to make this plugin, so that will never happen again.


Created by: garimuchi
Idea by: .:LucasCoolSouza:.


>Be able to transfer the horses with a command1.4Normal
>Be able to use a permission to limit the horse tame1.4Normal
>Be able to name the horses with a command1.4Normal
>Fix the random error when the server is shutdown1.1High

Leave more ideas in the comments!

Servers that use this plugin

Horizon City -

Ijoncraft -

SaneCraft -

Felling generous?

You can donate to help me, so I can make more and better plugins ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 20, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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