Holographic Displays v1.1
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UploadedFeb 27, 2014
Size135.02 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.7.4
- 1.7.2
Note: this version only works with bukkit 1.7.
- Better support for other plugins.
- Support for /killall, /butcher and other commands that remove entities. Worldguard regions should be also supported.
- Hologram entities now cannot be removed by other plugins.
- Commands system changed: with "/hd help" and "/hd edit" you can now hover on them to get a description. Click to insert them in the chat.
- Thanks to mkremins and his chat library for the new commands system.
- Removed the command "/hd file", it's now included in the description of "/hd readlines" (hover on that command to read the description. Make it appear in the chat with "/hd edit <hologram>"
- Removed the check on unicode character.
- Remember that some of them cannot be saved in a .yml file and will be displayed as '?'
- Holograms are spawned at the end of startup, when all the plugins are loaded.
- Compatible now with Java 6.