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UPDATE 18.06.14

Please PM me if you add a translation here. I don't get notified automatically for this page.



English translation provided by BeYkeRYkt and Google Translate.

// Version 2.4
title-name: '&4[&fHockeyGame&4]:'
author-translation: '&aAuthor of translation: '
plugin-restarted: '&aReloaded was successful!'
author-translate: Google Translate
gate-stored: '&aGate stored.'
hockey-stick: '&l&2Hockey Stick'
success-sign-create: '&aSign succesfully created!'
success-sign-remove: '&aSign succesfully removed!'
change-class: '&aYour class has been changed.'
class-full: '&cThis class is full. Select another class.'
arena-full: '&cSorry. Currently the arena is full. Wait ...'
game-running: '&cSorry. Now comes the match arena. Wait ...'
class-does-not-exit: '&cClass does not exist!'
no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission'
first-team-set-lobby: '&aClick on the block where you want to put the lobby of the
  first team.'
first-team-set-spawn: '&aClick on the block where you want to put the spawnpoint of
  the first team.'
second-team-set-lobby: '&aClick on the block where you want to put the lobby of the
  second team.'
second-team-set-spawn: '&aClick on the block where you want to put the spawnpoint
  of the second team.'
puck-set-spawn: '&aClick on the block where you want to put spawnpoint for puck.'
start-create-arena: '&aWe begin to build the arena. Enter the name of the arena (Chat)
  . If you want to exit write to /hockey and clicked '
second-team-empty-gates: '&cGates for second team not stored!'
first-team-empty-gates: '&cGates for first team not stored!'
arena-does-not-exit: '&cArena does not exist!'
arena-saved: '&aArena succesfully saved!'
arena-name-is-taken: '&cThis name is already taken. Please choose another.'
select-the-first-team: '&aSelect the first team.'
select-the-second-team: '&aSelect the second team.'
puck-name: '&2Puck'
team-does-not-exit: '&cTeam does not exist!'
create-arena-cancelled: '&aCreation of arena was cancelled.'
player-not-ready: '&cYou''re not ready. Choose your class.'
player-is-ready: '&7 is ready!'
match-continues: '&aGame continues! Puck respawned!'
scored-goal: '&a scored goal of gates '
team-win: '&a won this match!'
tie: '&7Match ended in a tie.'
result: '&6Results: '
game-started: '&aMatch started!'
inv-restored: '&aYour inventory is restored!'
inv-save: '&aYour inventory is saved!'
player-join-arena: '&6 joined to arena '
player-leave-arena: '&6 leave to arena '
icon-change-lang: '&2Change language'
available-languages: '&aAvailable languages:'
icon-join: '&6Join'
icon-join-click: '&fClick here to join to arena.'
icon-leave-click: '&fClick here to leave to arena.'
available-arenas: '&aAvailable arenas:'
icon-reload: '&6Reload plugin'
players: '&aPlayers: '
teams: '&aTeams: '
icon-arena-leave: '&2Leave'
start-create-team: '&aEnter the name of new team (Chat). '
select-team-color: '&aSelect the team color.'
team-name-is-taken: '&cThis name is already taken. Please choose another.'
team-saved: '&aTeam succesfully saved!'
no-commands: '&aYou are in a hockey-match - use first &e/hockey &aand click '
icon-arenas: Arenas
icon-teams: Teams
icon-create-arena: '&aCreate arena'
icon-delete-arena: '&cDelete arena'
icon-stop-arena: '&eStop arena'
icon-create-team: '&aCreate team'
icon-delete-team: '&cDelete team'
icon-next-stage: '&3Next stage'
set-first-gates: '&aInstall the gate for the first team. After setting write /hockey
  and select '
set-second-gates: '&aInstall the gate for the second team. After setting write /hockey
  and select '
icon-cancel: '&cCancel'
create-team-cancelled: '&aCreation of team was cancelled.'
arena-deleted: '&aArena succesfully deleted!'
team-deleted: '&aTeam succesfully deleted!'
icon-addons: '&6Addons'
available-addons: '&aAvailable addons:'
enabled: '&aEnabled: '
authors: '&aAuthors: '
addon-disabled: '&aAddon succesfully disabled!'
addon-enabled: '&aAddon succesfully enabled!'
version: '&aVersion: '


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