The config

Motd: Write here what you want!
JoinMessage: Joined The Game!
LeaveMessage: Quit From The Server!
PvPKit: You are take the "PvP" kit
Helmet: 310
Chestplate: 307
Leggings: 308
Boots: 309
'1': 276
'2': 282
'3': 282
'4': 282
'5': 282
'6': 282
'7': 282
'8': 282
'9': 282
'10': 282
'11': 282
'12': 282
'13': 282
'14': 282
'15': 282
'16': 282
'17': 282
'18': 282
'19': 282
'20': 282
'21': 282
'22': 282
'23': 282
'24': 282
'25': 282
'26': 282
'27': 282
'28': 282
'29': 282
'30': 282
'31': 282
'32': 282
'33': 282
'34': 282
'35': 282
'36': 282


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