This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
I took this page a long time ago.
ToastedJelly contacted me. Told me he had a plugin called HelpPages a long time.
So I respectfully renamed my plugin to MyHelpPages.
And I see ToastedJelly really made use of this page *sarcasm*
I took this page a long time ago.
ToastedJelly contacted me. Told me he had a plugin called HelpPages a long time.
So I respectfully renamed my plugin to MyHelpPages.
That is what I meant in 2011 lol
What you guys talking about?
and this page here are the same plugin.
And CButD doesn't update plugins that don't have a Bukkit Page. Forum ones don't count.
And Move this project? You don't own it? ToastedJelly does.
I am about to move this project to
I can't seem to get the colors to work. :(
Can you clarify the codes to use for colors? "$c" does not work.
Yo, there already is a HelpPages plugin here. Can you change the name of this one, so it doesn't cause CraftBukkitUpToDate problems?