

Press a button to fetch the admins!

What is HelpMe?

Getting tired of newbies spamming chat with useless messages such as 'How do I make a hoe?' or blatant Griefers asking how to craft TnT? Well, you've come to the right place! The perfect tool for server admins, any user can press a button to get help!

Why do I need it?

Its ridiculously easily to set up, only a sign and a button needed!
No stupid configuration files, or complex commands that nobody can understand!
Get rid of those newbies who don't know how to do anything!
Set up with easy permissions - for creating, destroying and using HelpMe's.

How does it work?

To set up a HelpMe, you'll need at least 2 of any block, a button and a sign. (you'll also need to have the permission helpme.create or be op.)
Put the blocks like this:
Then add a sign saying this: (change <category> to whatever category you want)
Then add a button.
You've succesfully made a HelpMe! (only people with helpme.use can use it, default all)
To prevent destruction, HelpMe's can't be pushed by pistons or exploded, and they can only be broken by people with the permissions helpme.destroy (or OP).
When a user presses the HelpMe button, a message will be sent to all users with the permission helpme.accept (or op).
They can choose to accept it with the command /haccept. Only one user can accept. It will tell the user requesting help who is helping them, and will automatically Teleport the helper directly to them.
Only one user can request help at a time, to prevent spamming. After one minute, if nobody has helped the person, it will expire and someone else can use the button.

What permissions and commands are available?

helpme.create - allows the user to create HelpMe's (op default)
helpme.destroy - allows the user to destroy HelpMe's (op default)
helpme.use - allows the user to use HelpMe's (all default)
helpme.accept - allows the user to accept help (op default)

/haccept - allows the user to accept help (helpme.accept permission)
/helpme - views helpme information. (all default)

What bugs does HelpMe have?

No bugs that I'm aware of! If you see any, please report them to me via the Ticket System, PM or comments! Thanks!

Where can I download HelpMe?

HelpMe is liscenced under GPLv3. Feel free to check out my github repository at
You can download HelpMe here on BukkitDev. If you love my plugin, donate if you want :)
Donate Here!


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