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What is the problem? I need to know if there is a way i can rollback a worldedit command basically i was seting a parent on a region then i messed the main parent up so now nothing is protected in the world and i need know if theres anyway i can rollback to before i used the command
What steps will reproduce the problem?1.if there is a command2.3.
What version of HawkEye are you using (shown in console during start-up)?CB 1.2.3-R0.2
Show me any console errors and/or your start-up console message for HawkEye
Show me your config.yml and/or your config.php (REMOVE YOUR PASSWORD)
Have you checked the FAQ page?
Nope Don't think you can do that at best you could do is rollback anything anyone does while you get it backup and going. To protect against user error like this its common practice to have FULL server backups of all plugin configs.
Unless HawkEye can roll back worldedit but I don't think it can roll back past block changes from worldedit.
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