HawkEye Reloaded
HawkEye Reloaded is still under active development! Due to many table altering changes we've been making, we've only been uploading new releases to our Jenkins Development build website.
Bukkit 1.7.10 / Spigot 1.8 Users
The current builds on bukkitdev are mostly outdated for builds 1.7.10 and above. I highly recommend you download a development build to avoid issue!
HawkEye reloaded is a continuation of the beloved former "Hawkeye", which is now completely inactive. It gives you the ability to log changes, search through them, roll edits back and much, much more.
- Logging of over 45 different actions
- Worldedit logging
- Smart logging
- Smart rollback/block restoral
- Block filter to avoid logging unwanted material
- Rollback commands with simple-to-use parameters
- Advanced interactive web interface for viewing logs
- Rollback previews - have the rollback only appear to you at first
- WorldEdit selection rollbacks - rollback everything in your WE selection
- Configurable search tool to quickly see edits on single blocks
- Simple, and easy to learn parameters
- Fast efficient logging
- API so other plugins can interact with the HawkEye database
Command List
Command | Description |
/he help <Command> | Provides help for the specified command |
/he | Displays a page showing all HawkEye related commands |
/he tool bind | Binds the custom parameters to the tool |
/he tool reset | Resets tool to default properties |
/he tool | Toggles the searching tool |
/he search <parameters> | Searches the HawkEye database |
/he page <page> | Displays a page from your last search |
/he tpto <id> | Teleport to the location of the data entry |
/he here <radius> <player> | Searches around you |
/he preview apply | Apply the rollback preview |
/he preview cancel | Cancel the rollback preview |
/he preview <parameters> | Preview the rollback changes |
/he rollback <parameters> | Rollback specified changes |
/he undo | Reverses your previous rollback |
/he rebuild | Re-apply specified changes |
/he delete | Deletes specified data entries |
/he info | Display important information |
/he writelog <parameters> | Write results to a log |
Permission List
Node | Description |
hawkeye.* | Access to all HawkEye commands |
hawkeye.page | Permission to view different pages |
hawkeye.search | Permission to search the HawkEye database |
hawkeye.search.<action> | Specific node to search HawkEye database |
hawkeye.tpto | Permission to teleport to the location of a search result |
hawkeye.rollback | Permission to rollback actions |
hawkeye.tool | Permission to use the HawkEye tool |
hawkeye.tool.bind | Permission to bind parameters to the tool |
hawkeye.preview | Permission to preview a rollback before applying it |
hawkeye.rebuild | Permission to rebuild actions |
hawkeye.info | Permission to view info |
hawkeye.writelog | Permission to writelog |
- Latest RB of bukkit
- MySQL database (Your host should provide you with one)
- (optional) WebServer (if you want to run the Web Interface)
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Still have a question?
Still have a question?
Here is an extra help page, which contains things like, format, importation, and errors. If nothing helps, feel free to open a Ticket, explaining your problem will help us recreate, and fix the issue.
Want to Donate?
Want to Donate?
All the donations go directly to the former author oliverw92
I am currently very busy and cannot answer any questions.. I will try to keep all my plugins updated during my absence
When I start my server I get this message:
I've downloaded the most up to date version. At the time of this posting, the version is and was loaded 17 hours ago, according to the link above.
is it instant loggin to the mysql DB?
Alright well I'll see about adding it. Hopefully someone wont go overboard and do /he printlog r:1000000
Edit: Do you think the log should be overwritten when executing the log print command again?
Yes I use f: all the time, great feature. However, let's say someone dies, and had an inventory full of stuff I want to spend my time restoring. It's really excruciating doing "/ha page 1" and so forth over 10 pages worth of items. I can either: (1) open up a text file, do some magic with Notepad + + , and make a list of commands i can paste into console to restore items, or (2) hopefully be able to "/ha next" and just weave through the pages in game.
I understand you want your own set of features, but these specific features are desirable! :)
When tracking down a griefer you don't necessarily know what or whom you're looking for and you want to see everything in an area, so f: doesn't help. With /Logblock writelogfile you can look through 900 records in about 2 minutes. I've had to do this many times.
Have you guys tried f:? It's a simple filter that well, filters.
For instance: I wanna see if a player was truly cursing, even though he completely denies ever cursing. /he search p:Coolguy12 f:f*ck
It's fairly simply, I just don't want to completely copy logblocks setup from top to bottom. Each plugin deserves it's own features.
If i keep getting request for this feature, I'll just have to implant it :P
Oh also, for those of you still having the rebuild stairs issue, please download the latest build.. We forgot something very important that prevented different types of wooden stairs from being logged correctly.
I agree with paulj1x below... Also, Logblock has a "/lb next" command, where you can just keep spamming "up arrow, enter" to repeat the last command to flip through each pages. This is much more efficient than having to type (and remember) what the next page should be. A "/ha next" command to flip through the pages would be excellent!
I use both Hawkeye Reloaded and Logblock. Hawkeye is far better in most aspects, however Logblock can write output to a file. This is really important for two reasons:
1) sometimes you have to go back through a thousand records, this is very, very, very painful when you have to do /ha page 1, /ha page 2, ...
2) you find a griefer and want to keep a record in case they challenge your ban on mcbans.
Please add a feature similar to Logblock's writelogfile so I can dump Logblock! I can't use the web interface since i'm on a commercial server (Beastnode).
Well seeing as LogBlock and Hawkeye both perform basically the same functions i simply cannot tell you which one is better.
WE support is currently being worked on by ELCHILEN0 atm. I'm sure we'll be able to release a stable build with the ability to log world edit
It will most likely be ported to 1.4 API, I'm not sure anything we're using will become deprecated though, so we should be fine!
Hoping this will be better than logblock, will love it when WE support comes out, also will this be ported to 1.4 API?
I need more information in order to recreate, and fix this issue.
Permissions plugin:
Most likely you just need to add vault to your server.
I keep getting the "you do not have premission" When im op and have added the hawkeye.* to myself and the rank.
For now we are going to stick with MySQL however we are looking into more database options. I want to finish some other parts of the project such as WorldEdit logging and bugfixes before moving onto a different database system such as H2.
I just fixed the issue with stair rotation! :) Now to work on WorldEdit logging! If you want to download the latest successful build which includes stair orientation fixes use our Jenkins!
Download our latest build here from Jenkins!
Ohh thank GOD I found someone updating this plugin. Fortunately the 1.1 version has still been working on my server, but it has been buggy. At least someone isn't letting this pluggin die.
Ok. Thank you! :)
We cannot give an estimate as to when it will be done. There are a lot of aspects and variables that we need to get in place at first. Such as datatype, damage values and even lookups. But I can say that both @bob7l and I are working hard to get this feature delivered to you guys.
How long will it take to add Worldedit logging?
I know about the stairs issue, sadly, I simply cannot find the issue causing this. I think our block get method only retrieves the base data, and not the :00