Hello this is my first ever plugin and hope you like it C:
the adfoc.us site is to help me get a little money for what i do for the time i put in this those 6 seconds are nothing
for 1.8.x
this plugin is not meant for the faint of heart. This plugin adds new stakes to minecraft. when you die you don't just "die" you rise up and turn into a ghost and stay up there for more or less 5 minutes. During this respawn period you are a spectator(don't worry about them no clipping).
and to make things worse.....
there is no regeneration from food it was never meant to be anyways
(both the death penalty and the no regen can be turned of seperatly)
with your guys support I hope to be able to expand on this plugin making minecraft much harder and a lot more fun
How it works
so all setup required is to do
where you want them to respawn after there ghost mode is up
and if you want to disable any of the features its done in the config
umm i posted the data over from spigot so thats why its so messed up but that shouldn't be why i don't get the cut