guns.yml Setup

guns.yml Setup


This is where the guns are set up. to create a new gun lay it out like the example but carry on the gun callback numbers starting at '0'. Make sure the delay is a double number. Like 1.0 or 1.3 or 0.5.....etc. Just make sure it has "something point something".


This is the official server gun.yml (

#this is the config file for the guns.please lay the guns out like the example one in this file. when making
#a new gun do not include gun and the gun id have to up in 1's. 

    matId: 369
    name: MP5
    explode: false
    damage: 4
    mag: 2
    ammo: 75
    delay: 0.5
    matId: 278
    name: AK47
    explode: true
    damage: 2
    mag: 20
    ammo: 50
    delay: 0.5
    matId: 270
    name: M9
    explode: false
    damage: 1
    mag: 30
    ammo: 100
    delay: 0.5
    matId: 279
    name: Bazooka
    explode: true
    damage: 6
    mag: 1
    ammo: 2
    delay: 0.5


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