GuiShop Recoded

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin adds to your server shop with gui.
There is only one command in plugin. This command is /shop
This command will open a clickable GUI with the shop on top and your inventory on the bottom.
Simply navigate to the item you want, and click on it to buy or sell it.
This plugin - remake old, but there is already a lot of my ideas


  • Sub-ID supporting
  • Enchanting opportunity
  • It is possible to add an empty slot
  • It is possible to add spawners and monster eggs
  • It is possible to add dyed armor 
  • Ability to turn on|turn off the sale of in-game
  • Logging (you can disable\enable it in config)

If you have intresting idea, just post it in issue tracker with tag "Idea"



  • shop.use: Gives acces to command /shop
  • shop.gamemode: Allow you to use shop in creative mode
  • shop.reload: Gives acces to command /shop reload
  • Allow you to use buy-menu in shop
  • shop.sell: Allow you to use sell-menu in shop
  •<tabPerm>: Gives acces to tabs with this permmission
  •*: Gives acces to all tabs in buy\sell menu
  •<vipPerm>: Gives acces to vip menu with this permission
  •*: Gives acces to all vip tabs
  • shop.setsale: allows you to set a sale in tab. (added in version 1.3)


/shop: Opens Gui Shop
/shop reload: Reloads configuration
/shop setsale <tab name> <discount in percentages> [sale reason]: adds sale to selected tab. (this command added in version 1.3)
You should use "_" istead space.
You can choose option "all" - it sets sale in all tabs.
To disable sale, just set discount to zero.



 Please leave the information on bugs in the issue tracker with tag "Bag"


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