
If you want to change default settings go to your server folder -> plugins ->GuiShopRecoded.

So you can see this:



Config.yml - main config file. 


lang - name of localization file.


UseTabPrefix - true or false. Control showing prefix in gui.

TabPrefix - text of gui prefix


UseMessagePrefix - true or false. Control showing prefix in messages.

Prefix - text of messages prefix

global item properties

This properties can be seted for any item.

ID: id of item. Requerd property. You can use the name instead of ID. If you want to set empty slot, just set ID to zero (or "air")
Data: 0 - Sub-ID of item. if not seted - will used 0
Ammount: ammount of items in stack. if not seted, will used 1
Name: Name of item. if not set, will used default minecraft name.
  - String 1
  - String 2
Enchantments: enchantments of items. Input rules: Enchantment,Level some_one_Enchantment,Level etc
Color: '#000000' - color of item. used only for leather armor.
(you can use rgb - "Color: red,green,blue")
Monster: Used only for Spawners and spawner eggs.


it controls main menu, thats opens by /shop

Main\sellitem\buyitem\vipitem - controls item of opening main\sell\buy\vip-menu

it's so easy, so i wouldn't write aboit it

help - it's not usable item. It's only for info


I'll show only one item. Another items equals.

the name of section = file name

Name- name of tab.

EnableBuy\Sell - show or hide tab in buy\sell menu

Permission - Special tab permission. wil generate as