This plugin simply adds one command for your players; /shop.
This command will open a clickable GUI with the shop on top and your inventory on the bottom.
Simply navigate to the item you want, and click on it to buy or sell it.
Please read the whole thread if you can.
1. Easy to use click GUI.
2. Buy or sell any item at a configurable price.
3. Sell enchantments books with any enchantment.
4. Sort item into categories for ease of use.
5. Hooks into vault for economy.
description: Gives access to buying menu.
description: Gives access to selling menu.
description: Gives access to the enchantment menu.<tabID>:
description: Gives access to the specified tab.* to give permission for all tabs.
description: Gives access to shopping in creative mode.
description: Gives access to admin commands like /reloadshop.
/shop opens the shop GUI.
/reloadshop reload prices and config for the plugin. *working in v1.3.
Direct download:
(Use the files button)
You will also need to install vault and a economy plugin like BOSEconomy or iConomy.
There are four configuration files, Options, Tabs, Prices and EnchantmentPrices.
There are five options:
SHOP_TITLE will change the prefix of all messages and GUIs made by the shop plugin. This must be under 20 characters long.
DONATE_MESSAGE_ON turns the message about donating on.
DONATE_MESSAGE lets you set the message that will ask people to donate.
ALLOW_BROWSE lets players look through tabs that they do not have permission for, but they can not buy/sell anything in those tabs.
PRICE_MULTIPLIER all the prices will be multiplied by this number, good for quickly scaling up the prices to suit your server.
tabID=0 tabName=Building_Blocks IconID=45
Each tab must have a unique ID (tabID=0 in this case). This is used to identify which tab each item goes into.
The second part (tabName=Building_Blocks) is to set what this group of items is called, in this example "Building Blocks". Instead of spaces use underscores, '_', in the name of the tab.
The last part (IconID=45) is to change the icon of the tab. It is the item ID of the icon, eg 45 is the ID for bricks. You can find the icon IDs of items on minecraft wiki.
tabID=0 tabName=Building_Blocks IconID=45 tabID=1 tabName=Decorations IconID=38 tabID=2 tabName=Redstone IconID=331 tabID=3 tabName=Transportation IconID=27
WOOD_BIRCH itemID=5:2 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
The first part (WOOD_BIRCH) is not important, just for you to remember what item the configuration is for and it is not interpreted by the plugin at all.
The second part (itemID=5:2) is the minecraft ID of an item. You can find these on minecraft wiki or just google it.
To get a different version of an item (eg birch wood instead of Oak wood) just add a semicolon (:) and the appropriate data for the alternative version (also available on minecraft wiki).
The third and fourth part (buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5) is the price of a single item, eg one wood.
The plugin will automatically generate a list of possible block for you to use, and it will set a default price for these blocks. You can always add or remove any block you want to the list, and I recommend you modify the prices o suit your server
The last part (ItemTAB=0) is which tab (group of items) in the shop GUI the item will appear in.
0 is Building Blocks, 1 is Decorations, 2 is Redstone, 3 is Transportation, 4 is Misc, 5 is Foodstuffs, 6 is Tools, 7 is Combat, 8 is Brewing and 9 is Materials, you can change these in the tabs config.
SAND itemID=12 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0 GRAVEL itemID=13 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=2.0 tabID=0 GOLD_ORE itemID=14 buyPrice=45.0 sellPrice=22.5 tabID=0 DIRT itemID=3 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0 COBBLESTONE itemID=4 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0 WOOD_BIRCH itemID=5:2 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0 WOOD_DARK itemID=5:1 buyPrice=4.0 sellPrice=0.5 tabID=0
DURABILITY enchantmentID=34 enchantmentLevel=3 enchantmentPrice=10
Again the first part (DURABILITY) is just for you; not used by the plugin.
The second part is the enchanment ID for the enchantment type, these can be found here:
The third part is pretty simple, just how strong the enchantment is. This one (enchantmentLevel=3) will get you unbreaking level III.
The last bit (enchantmentPrice=10) is simple as well, just the price to buy one enchantment book.
LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS enchantmentID=35 enchantmentLevel=3 enchantmentPrice=40 PROTECTION_FIRE enchantmentID=1 enchantmentLevel=4 enchantmentPrice=30 DIG_SPEED enchantmentID=32 enchantmentLevel=5 enchantmentPrice=50 PROTECTION_FALL enchantmentID=2 enchantmentLevel=4 enchantmentPrice=50 SILK_TOUCH enchantmentID=33 enchantmentLevel=1 enchantmentPrice=100
Please comment if you use the plugin or would like to make a suggestion.
Credits: SimplyAussieGamer
Credits: AbsintoJ
Thanks for taking time to read this,
~ Waffles
I configed the whole plugin, when I thought it was ready to give to the public I tested the plugin myself on the items I collected over a long period of time. It took everything but gave me no money. I had to give everything I sold back to myself by memory.
I need help! when i open the gui for the shop and click the category it takes the item instead of entering the category.
Hello, I've installed your plugin today and this has appeared in my console:
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'shop' in plugin GUIShop v2.1
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_152]
at [?:1.8.0_152]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at [minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
at [?:1.8.0_152]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: CHEST_OPEN
at ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Spigot-c3093ef-3a482bd]
... 15 more
Thank you in advance for replying;)
Wow it's working thanks you <3 i use on my minecraft serveur :
Great plugin! works with my 1.8.9 skyblock server!
best plugin but the permissions not working for me ;(
pls i need help
Hello, I almost have my entire shop set up. I have one question though, how do I make spawners buyable? I have their ID in but it doesn't work. PS love the plugin.
In reply to LiquidReserve:
52:51 = Skeleton
52:52= Spider
52:53= Giant
52:54= Zombie
52:55= Slime
52:56= Ghast
52:57= PigZombie
52:58= Enderman
52:59 = CaveSpider
52:60= Silverfish
52:61= Blaze
52:62= Lavaslime (magma cube)
52:63= EnderDragon
52:64= WitherBoss
52:65= Bat
52:66= Witch
52:90 = Pig
52:91= Sheep
52:92= Cow
52:93= Chicken
52:94= Squid
52:95= Wolf
52:96= MushroomCow
52:97= SnowMan
52:98= Ozelot
52:99 = VillagerGolem
52:100 = Horse
In reply to Forge_User_91421600:
Hello, I Love you plugin and used it, the only downside is the texts is like this "aaaaa It would be good if it wasent like this" And can you add a config so we can change the menu tab not just the buy/sell menu, oh and i rate this plugin a 4.5
Please Fix alot items not showing up in GUI, but plugin is awesome but would be nice that all items from game show up.
So I cannot get Nether Quartz, Potatos, Shulker Shells as well as a few items to show in the shop. anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?
Great plugin by a great developer, keep up the good work.
Latest download is 100% working with latest version.
gbrigando you must be looking for GUIShop 4.5 for those are the perms for users with that must have come to the wrong plugin version
So, blekk7709 be nice sometimes ppl make mistakes
hey been using this plugin for a while and so far its going great but i'm wondering how do I add
spawners to the shop I have already tried my self and it has not worked so could someone tell me how to add them??
Please try to make a 1.8+ version even though you are lazy, people are begging for it. Also can you make this compatible with Essentials
Hey do you know of this plugin works with Essentials because my players have the exact or more money and they can't buy items that are like $2 even though they have $2
Although i have a problem myself, the Block Raid etc.. shops DO NOT OPEN any other shop! so no one can actually buy or whatsoever... Is this compatible with 1.10?
gbrigando youre doing it rong, you are a newbie arent you?
it is not guishop.use or whatever it is shop.sell etc
please, before complaining LEARN TO READ because it is really especified up there. and as you donmt even know how to read, how is it posible 4 u to run aserver?
Im trying to get this to run...
it does very well while op but
will not allow reg players to buy or sell
could someone help please
it opens with /shop
when not op
but cant buy or sell
guishop.sell etc