GUI Rules

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

I recreated the plugin!

This plugin is now available at this location. I chose to put it on the spigot page, because it still had a good active community, rather than bukkit.

This project has been inactive because of a hard drive failure that caused the plugin to be gone from my old hard drive.

You can still download the plugins if you want. And if you can, you may change the plugin to fix or customize the plugin. But you may not distribute the plugin, you may only use it for your own server(s).

This plugin will show on the first join a GUI with all the rules (if it fits) and a agree and disagree button. This will make sure that your players know the rules, so that they don't have the excuse of that they didn't know that rule exists.


How to install

Just put the jar file into your plugins folder, launch the server and stop it again. Edit the config.

How does it work

When a player joins GUI Rules checks if it's his first join, or didn't agreed with the rules and got kicked, if so GUI Rules will show a inventory of a chest that you can customize in the config (everything you need to know about the config is in the config). If he clicks agree, the inventory closes and he will never get anything showed from GUI Rules (unless if the config is deleted). If he clicks disagree, he will be kicked until he agrees.

How to use the plugin

You install the plugin and edit the config. When you join the server (for the first time since the plugin was installed) you read the rules and click agree.


There are no commands.


There are no permissions


#   - you can use & in place of § (to get this use 'alt gr' + 'shift' + 's') to get color codes

    #amount of rows you can fill
    rows: 1
    #the displayname of the inventory
    name: Rules
    #this is a item. 0 is just something i use to be able to get all the data. 
    #0 will mean nothing, but if you add another item, it must be 1 (1 higher then the last one, and the last one was 0, so 0 + 1 = 1)
        #the id of the item that is in the slot
        itemid: 339
        #the amount of items
        amount: 1
        #the name of the item
        itemname: Don't swear
        #the lores
            - If you swear, you get banned!
            - For ever!
            - And that's really bad!
        #the enchantments that the item has (echantmentname:level)
            - haste:1
        #the slot it's in. the first slot is 0, and the second slot is 1.
        slot: 0
    #this is just item 0 copied, but 0 has been replaced with 1.
        itemid: 339
        amount: 1
        itemname: Listen to the staff
            - It's rude to don't listen to the staff!
        slot: 1
        itemid: 339
        amount: 1
        itemname: Don't hack
            - If you hack, you just can't play a nice game.
            - You will be banned for ever!
        slot: 2
        itemid: 339
        amount: 1
        itemname: Be nice to eachother
            - If you are nice to others, they will be nice to you.
            - If you aren't nice to others, you will be kicked/banned
        slot: 3
    #this is just like the previous items, but this is the agree button
        itemid: 133
        amount: 1
        itemname: Agree
            - You agree with that you read all the rules,
            - and that you will follow the rules.
            - If you don't follow the rules, there can happen things!
        slot: 7
    #this is just like the previous items, but this is the disagree button.
        itemid: 152
        itemamount: 1
        itemname: Disagree
            - If you don't agree, you will be kicked until you agree.
        slot: 8
#this is the list with commands that will be ran as the console, when you click the agree button. 
#%player% is the name of the player that clicked the agree button.
    - tell %player% Thank you for agreeing the rules, we do this because we want everybody to know the rules and have fun!
#this is the same as agreecommands, but this is when you click the disagree button.
    - kick %player% You must agree the rules, to be able to play on this server! we just want that players will have fun :(


Note: This plugin is written in a way so that it's compatible with all craftbukkit version (at least above 1.6)!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 12, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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