

All controls have these common keys

the row of the screen to place the control in
if row_span is more than 1 this will be the starting row
the column of the screen to place the control in
if col_span is more than 1 this will be the starting column
how many rows the control should cover
default is 1
how many columns the control should cover
default is 1
the exact starting x position of the control
the exact starting y position of the control
the exact width of the control
the exact height of the control
the type of the control to place
possible values are link_button, text_box, gradient, text_label, combo_box, spacer, texture, check_box, radio_button, slider, button
the order to place the controls in
possible values are from 1 (drawn first) to 5 (drawn last)
this is the permission the player must have to be able to see this control
if the player lacks the permission the control won't be visible at all
using this on a button won't hide any controls the button relies on (text_boxes, etc.)
players with this permission won't see the control at all
using this on a button won't hide any controls the button relies on (text_boxes, etc.)
set this to hide the control from any player who doesn't have sufficient funds in his account
needs Vault and an economy plugin installed
must be an integer
using this on a button won't hide any controls the button relies on (text_boxes, etc.)

Automatic layout

By specifying row and col (and optionally row_span and col_span) the control will have its x, y, width, and height calculated automatically based on the num_columns key in the screen.

Manual layout

By specifying x, y, width, and height, the control will be placed in that exact position.

Note that each screen can have a mixture of both automatically and manually laid out controls.

As well as the above keys, each control has a few keys of its own.


Used to jump to another screen (next page, page 7, accept page, etc.) If the screen linked to requires a permission to be seen, the link_button won't do anything if clicked by players without that permission.

the colour this button's text will be
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
the colour this button's text will be when the mouse is over the button
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 150,120,50 (yellowish)
the text that will appear on the button
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the button
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
the id of the screen to jump to


The text_box is a control for typing in values.

the text that will appear in the text_box when it's empty
will not be used in commands
the colour of the text-entry area
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 0,0,0,255 (black)
the colour of the text_box's border
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 159,159,159,255 (grey)
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the text_box
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
the name to reference the text_box's value from a button
see Using the command key below
set to yes to replace all text input with asterisks (*)
set this to the name key of a texture to automatically show the skin of any player typed in the box


The gradient draws a coloured rectangle, and can have a colour at the top, transforming into a different colour at the bottom.

the colour at the top of the gradient
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
the colour at the bottom of the gradient
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)


The text_label is a simple line of text.

the colour of the text
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
the text to appear on the label
the horizontal alignment of the label
possible values are left, center, and right
default is center


the default text that appears when nothing is selected
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the combo_box
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
the name to reference the combo_box's value from a button
see Using the command key below
the items that will appear in the drop down list when the combo_box is clicked
each item has two child nodes - text and selected_value
text is what should appear in the list
selected_value is what should be sent to the command. If it's missing, the value from text will be sent instead
this allows the combo_box to set itself up as a list of online or offline players
possible values are normal, online_players, offline_players, banned_players, and all_items
default is normal
if set to online_players or offline_players or banned_players, the last item will select no player, and return an empty string
set this to the name key of a texture to automatically show the skin of any player selected


The spacer creates a thin line which can be used to visually separate rows

the colour of the spacer
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)


The texture control is used to put an image onto a screen.

the address of the image
must be a public link
must be surrounded with quotes
must have a .png or .jpg extension
it's possible to place a gradient over the texture to add a level of transparency
set this to skin to have the texture be a 2D representation of the current player
when using this do not use the url key
example - mode: skin
the name is used to use this texture to display the selected player's skin from a combo_box, slider, or text_box


the text to appear to the right of the check_box
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the check_box
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
whether the check_box starts off checked
default is no
the value that will be returned if the check_box is checked
must be a string, so surround it with quotes if it's a number
default is true
the value that will be returned if the check_box is unchecked
must be a string, so surround it with quotes if it's a number
default is false
the name to reference the check_box's value from a button
see Using the command key below


Radio_buttons can be placed anywhere on the screen. Set the group key to the same value to ensure only one radio_button from every group can be selected at any one time.

the text to appear to the right of the radio_button
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the radio_button
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
whether the radio_button starts off selected
default is no
the value that will be returned if the radio_button is selected
must be a string, so surround it with quotes if it's a number
the name to reference the radio_button's value from a button
default is 0
see Using the command key below


The slider is used to allow quick selecting of a value.

the description that will appear on the slider
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the slider
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
the value represented by the right end of the slider
default is 100
the starting position of the slider
default is 50
if the default value is higher than the max value, default will be set to max
the horizontal alignment of the text on the slider
possible values are left, center, and right
default is center
the colour of the text on the slider
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
the name to reference the slider's value from a button
see Using the command key below
this allows the slider to set itself up as a list of online or offline players
possible values are normal, online_players, offline_players, banned_players, and all_items
default is normal
if set to online_players or offline_players or banned_players, moving the slider to the far right will select no player, and return an empty string
set this to the name key of a texture to automatically show the skin of any player selected


The button is the only control that can activate a command.

the colour this button's text will be
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 255,255,255,255 (white)
the colour this button's text will be when the mouse is over the button
value must be in the format r,g,b, or r,g,b,a
default is 150,120,50 (yellowish)
the text that will appear on the button
the tooltip that will appear when the mouse is hovered over the button
use && to make a line break in the tooltip
usually, the GUI will close after a command has executed. Set this to yes to keep the GUI open
the command that will be run when the button is clicked
for a command, add / to the beginning
for a chat message, don't add /
separate each command with a semi-colon (;)
a list of permissions that will be temporarily give to the player in order to use the command
the permissions will be removed one second after the button is clicked
set this to deduct the amount from the account of anyone using the button
needs Vault and an economy plugin installed
Must be an integer
can be a negative number which will give money to the player instead of deducting it
the cost will be deducted once even if the button contains more than one command
the cost will be deducted even if the command fails (due to permissions, misuse, etc.)
if set to yes, an additional button must be clicked before the command or chat message is sent
if set to yes, the tooltip with the command connected to the button will not show

Using the command key

In the command value, use ^name^ to insert the value of any other control on the screen. For most controls, ^name^ must match their name key, but for radio_buttons, it must match their group key,

There are a few global constants you can use as well

the current player's name
the name of the server
the name of the current player's world
the number of currently online players in all the worlds on the server
the total number of players who have joined this server
the number of players in the current player's world
the player's balance (requires Vault and an economy plugin)

For example

command: /give ^givep^ ^item_id^ ^item_data^ ^amount^

where givep is the name of a control that returns the player (either slider or text_box), item_id is the name of a control that returns the item's id, etc.