
Keeps guests nearby you at all costs.

This plugin enables you to attach a leash to a player and have them follow you around. If you have any issues open them on the bug tracker. Code is available at GitHub.


/leash help

Gives information on how to use the commands.

/leash request <username>

Asks a user if they want to teleport to you on a leash.

/leash accept

Accepts an active leash request.

/leash deny

Denies an active leash request.

/leash force <name>

Forces a user to be tethered to a leash and teleported to you.

/leash leave

Leaves the current leash (unless you're the guest and it's forced).



Allows the player to request users to teleport to them on a leash.


Allows the player to receive requests, accept requests, deny requests and leave requests.


Allows the player to force leashes upon players.



The message displayed to the player when they try to venture too far away from their inviter.


The distance the player is allowed to travel before getting pulled back.

Help & Miscellaneous

As always, source code can be found here and tickets can be sent here. Help can be found by clicking here. Ensure you stick around after asking your question as not all users are able to answer 24/7. If you want to be cool, you can idle in #SoaringCats on

Yes, comments are disabled. Click "Tickets" at the top of the page to submit issues, suggestions, etc.

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