Get the Killers

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

Get The Killers WAS an idea, and it will stay an idea. Nothing will happen in the future with this.

Get The Killers is a minecraft pvp two-teams game.

For detectives:

Minecraft is no longer safe: Around every corner could be one of the gangsters. The much worse thing is: You can't trust anyone, anyone could have joined the gangsters. Find out who amongs to the gangsters and kill them! Luckily you got a lie detector, which you can use to find out who is and who is not a gangster.

For gangsters:

You are a gangster and you have teamed up with the other gangsters. You can see who is a gangster and who is not. Together you have to kill all the detectives, so they won't kill yourself. Be careful, because you are in the minority.


The following is just a list of things and ideas I got. There is much to do left. You can support me by giving me new ideas.

✔ = Fully implemented

✘ = not implemeted yet

Gangsters can identify each other with colored names above their heads.
Support Vault to buy magical passes with ingame money.
OPTIONAL: premium members, who are able to join a full server
Protection: You can't destroy anything if you didn't used /gtk leave. (Not only adventure mode)
Multiple language support (Configurate at language/??.yml)
Not blocking the full server with the game.
40%Magical Passes, which can be used before the game starts, who guarantee that you will become a gangster.
Chests (Checking player opening chest)
Multiple arenas
Lie detector

Things to know

Currently there is no way on a server that has installed this plugin to do something else than playing except building the map.

How to install

Currently there is no download of this plugin, because the main functionality is not implemented fully yet. So you can't install it and the following steps are just there to save time at later updating.

  1. Stop your server. (If it's currently running)
  2. Download the TagAPI and place it into your server's plugin folder.
  3. If you want a money reward or you want that your players are able to buy magical passes with ingame money, download Vault if you didn't have Vault yet. Get The Killers will only support economy plugins using Vault.
  4. Download the latest jar file from GTK and place it into your server's plugin folder.
  5. Start your server.

Commands and permissions

✔ = Command ready ✘ = Command exists only in my mind

/gtk [help]gtk.helpShows the help of the plugin. It shows only available commands
/gtk setaftergamegtk.setSets the location a player will be teleported when the game ends.
/gtk setspawn [arenaname]gtk.setSets the spawn when the game starts.
/gtk setlobby [arenaname]gtk.setSets the lobby location, an area there you are until the game starts.
/gtk spawn [arenaname]gtk.teleportTeleports you to the game spawn.
/gtk lobby [arenaname]gtk.teleportTeleports you to the lobby.
/gtk leavegtk.playYou leave the game. You will be teleported to the aftergamespawn70%
/gtk join [arenaname]gtk.playYou join the specified arena if it's not full or during a game.40%
/gtk reloadgtk.reloadReloads the configuration.50%
/gtk shop [articleid]gtk.playShows ingame shop or buys certain item. You can use also /gtkshop, /shop, /b, /buy20%
/gangstergtk.gangsterUses a magical pass to become a gangster if the user still has magical passes left and there are enough detectives left.10%
/mpleft [name]gtk.mpShows the number of magical passes the user (or you) has left. Also possible: /mp [name]
/pinggtk.pingPings to the server.
/mpbuy [amount]gtk.playBuys the specified amount of magical passes with ingame money. Only available if Vault is installed and the MpWithIngameMoney option in the config file is set to true.

Other things

This is my first experience with Java, Bukkit and CraftBukkit. I am from Germany. Language mistakes are featured by Google Translator and by my english mark.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 14, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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