Main (WIP)(deDE)


GTA Teleports makes teleporting fun and creative! Just like in Grand Theft Auto V, teleporting makes a 'boom' noise three times, and puts you higher up above the view each time. It then moves you to your destination, and does the 'boom' animation again, going down.

Features (* means customizable via configuration files):

GTA Teleports allows for users to set their own destinations*, teleport to pre-made server destinations*, and even leave the server with the animation. There's even a Kick command which does the animation, before kicking them, just like upon moving back to single player from GTA Online. Give those bad guys a little fun to remember you by!

Support (^ means coming soon):

Support for NoCheatPlus^ and AntiCheat^, allowing you to not be kicked for flying.


[1/28/14] BukkitDev project created; project planning completed.


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