Old GroupChat


Keep an eye out here as there will be a new version comming up soon, waiting for approval of the core


Group chat is an plugin used to have diffrent chat groups and collors.


  • Import users and groups from permissions
  • Group chats
  • Private chats
  • All chat (ofc)
  • A higher level group can write in lower level group
  • Using off permissions flags to commands.
  • Mute groups(public)
  • Mute players(public)
  • Stop listen to groups(private)
  • Stop listen to players(private)
  • Support for Permissions, Pex (PermissionsEX)
  • Configurable messages on entering different chats

public = affects all players

private = only affects you

To come:

  1. Recoding the plugin as i lost it's source, working on it right now and hope i can release it today (2012-05-05)

What i think?

Well as a creator i think it would be fun if many people used this plugin for there own benefits.

Why make one?

Well, what i thought was that there is a lot of chat plugin out there but they don't have so much features in them and as much config as this one have and to get all of it's features you need to have about 3 different plugins, and why do that? Its slows down the server, much hared to keep 3 plugins up to date then just one and so on. So what i did was that i said to my self "Lets make a BETTER chat plugin for the bukkit users out there".


  • /g to enter your group.
  • /g enter <groupname> to enter <groupname>s chat, for expampel: /g enter Test would enter tests chat
  • /g to enter the public chat
  • /w <player> <message> to send private message to a player
  • /r to replay if you just recived a private message

Note: if anyother plugin uses those commands they wont work, that becuse GroupChat uses the PLAYER_PRE_COMMAND method to be albed to use the /<groupname> command

Please comment if you can figure something out that you want and i'll try to implement it.


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