
GrimList - A better approach to whitelisting!

For now, the only valid focus is saving to YAML and MySQL. SQLite, and URL support will be added back when I've done further bug-testing.

Connects to Mojang Servers for UUID lookups!
Requires JDBC for MySQL connections!

Built Against: 1.7.9-R0.1 (Build #01936)
Compatible With: 1.7.9-R0.1

It's been reported that versions before 3.1.5 are not compatible with the newest beta build of Bukkit.
This has not been confirmed, or reproducible. However, the newest update (3.1.5) has been built against this build, and should solve any potential issues.

GrimList is a whitelisting program for Bukkit, designed with ease of use in mind. It allows you to manage your server in a variety of ways, ranging from a remote file to a sqlite database. Once you configure (or dont!) management of your server's whitelist becomes so simple, you almost forget it's a complicated plugin, under the hood. Choosing to add or remove players from the whitelist is just scratching the surface!

Used to refreshing your whitelist, after you add or remove a player? Don't worry about it! GrimList handles all of this automatically (and immediately)!

Worried about the upcoming UUID changes? Don't! GrimList is already ahead of the curve, and fully compatible with UUIDs.

Have you heard horror stories about a UUID lookup freezing the server? Ha! GrimList handles any UUID lookup on an alternate thread, leaving your server unaffected!

In short, GrimList is the premier whitelisting plugin. I challenge you to find an easier to use, or better designed solution.

About the YMLs:

config.yml - The config.yml is intended to be streamlined for use!
playerdata.yml - Be careful if you want to edit this! I've warned you!

Commands and Permissions!:

Commands - There are more commands than you might think. Take a look!

grimlist.*Grants all permissions.
grimlist.modGrants permissions to 'add', 'remove', 'view', 'getid', and 'help'.
grimlist.addAllows player to add others to the whitelist.
grimlist.removeAllows player to remove others from the whitelist.
grimlist.deleteAllows player to completely delete another player record.
grimlist.viewAllows a player to view another player's player data.
grimlist.getidAllows a player to gather another player's UUID.
grimlist.setAllows a player to change configuration in-game.
grimlist.convertAllows a player to import or export foci.
grimlist.helpAllows a player to view the help menu.
grimlist.updateShows notification of update on join.
grimlist.notifyNotifies player on failed join attempt.

Other Stuff:

Updater - This plugin uses Updater ONLY to notify you of updates. It will NOT download anything. Can be disabled.
Metrics - This plugin uses Metrics to log simple metric data, which helps me improve the plugin. Can be disabled.
Source Code - Every program I create is copyright under GPLv3. Hack away!

Thanks To:!

evilmidget38 - Created UUIDFetcher, which this plugin uses.
BlackVoidRules - Created Dynamic Effect Whitelist, which inspired this plugin.


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