
/whitelistGrimList's main command.wl, grimlist, gl
/whitelist add [player]Adds a player to the whitelist.-a
/whitelist remove [player]Removes a player from the whitelist.-r
/whitelist delete [player]Deletes entire player record.-d
/whitelist view [player]View all player information on record.-v
/whitelist getid [player]Gets UUID of a player.-g
/whitelist help [topic]Displays useful help pages.-h
/whitelist set [setting] [true/false]Allows you to edit the config in-game.-s
/whitelist import [focus]Allows you to import from a focus.-i
/whitelist export [focus]Allows you to export to a focus.-e


Adding a player:
Adding a player is self-explanatory. You change a player's "isWhitelisted" setting to true. That's it. If a player log doesn't exist, one will be made.

Removing a player:
Removing a player is very similar to adding a player. If you have "SaveQueries" set to true in the configuration, attempting to remove a player who isn't in record will add that player to the record (and set "isWhitelisted" to false).

Deleting a player record:
Extreme method of removal. Not recommended. You cannot retrieve a player record that has been deleted.

Viewing a player:
Simply outputs any player data on record. If a record for the player doesn't exist, and "SaveQueries" is set to true in the configuration, one will be created and output.

Getting a UUID:
Will output the UUID of a given player. If this player exists in record, it will not do a UUID lookup, but rather grab the information from there. If the player record doesn't exist, and "SaveQueries" is set to true in the configuration, one will be created and the UUID output.

Getting help:
Using this command without an argument (as well as the main command) will output the help menu. Arguments are simply the command names themselves. Inputting them will output that command's help page.

Setting Configuration:
This isn't... really recommended. It definitely works, but editing a file by hand is just so much easier. However, not everyone wants to reload the server every time a config file changes... so, that's where this comes in. Right now, you can only edit the main booleans.

Import and Export:
Converting between sources can be difficult, sometimes. But it doesn't have to be! GrimList makes it as simple as possible. If you wish to put the player data from the focus you're currently using into another one, you're exporting. Importing is the opposite. To prevent issues, GrimList will detect if a UUID is currently already set in the focus that is being edited, and skip over it to the next one. For a COMPLETE import/export, the focus that's being edited must be empty of any entries.


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