Griefer Database

The updates will come out slowly because I lost my computer.

Some info before you read on

I am looking for some developers that want to team up and create a dev team. All you need to do is: PM me these stuff and answers

  1. How many years have you been coding
  2. Do you have a Github account?
  3. Why do you want to create a dev team with me?
  4. Have you been coding for servers?

Why I made this plugin

I made this plugin for server owners to have a database of griefers on their server.

How to use this plugin


I put this part in for new server owner's who don't know how to add plugins.

  1. You go to your server file.
  2. You will see a folder called plugins.
  3. Open that up and put the plugin.jar file in it

Commands & Permissions

All you need to do for the permissions is to add the permissions to the appropriate groups or members.


There will be some files, but in the mean time, there isn't


If you want to let that your players know that you keep track of who is a griefer and who isn't, put a sign up in spawn saying that, "We keep track of who is a griefer and who isn't". If you don't, then don't put anything up!

Anything else?

No, Nothing else yet. There will be more information on this part once I get the plugin up to V: 1.2

Problems with this plugin

Please use a ticket, I don't want to go looking through all of the comments to find all of problems


I know that there is a problem with the /remove command if you are using WorldEdit on your server. I will be fixing this ASAP.

When will this be out?

I can't say when this plugin will be out because of all the stuff in the plugin.

Commands & Permissions

Note: The commands and permissions will be in order from first to last.


  • /add - command
  • database.add.command - Permission


  1. /add - adds a player to the database
  2. /remove - Removes a player in the database
  3. /check - Checks if a player is in the database


  1. database.add.command - The permission for the /add command.
  2. database.remove.command - The permission for the /remove command.
  3. database.check.command - The permission for the /check command.


There isn't currently any files as of right now.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 31, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 31, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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