Grief Prevention - Death Chest

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

When a player dies this plugin will place the player's inventory in one or more chests within their claimed and protected area. The chest(s) can be either the most empty chest(s) or the player designated chest.

The idea...

  • Keep It Clean: No "gravestones" to litter worlds and put unnecessary load on the server.
  • Keep It Simple: Players shouldn't need to muddle with slash commands or signs to mark their death chest.

Following in the footsteps of bigscary this Grief Prevention add-on will require very little interaction from players.

How does it work?

All a player needs to create a Death Chest is place a chest in their claimed area. Under the default Grief Prevention settings placing a chest automatically sets a player's first claim so that's two birds with one stone. Now on the player's untimely demise their inventory will be automatically placed in the chest or chests with the most free space within their claimed area.

  • Out of Space? Well, we can't have everything. If there isn't enough space for all of a player's inventory it will probably have to be dropped at the point of death. Plan ahead and keep a spare empty chest in your claim.
  • What if I want to assign a death chest? Simply place the Grief Prevention claim creation tool (Gold Shovel by default) in the chest you want your inventory to go when you die. It won't have to stay there, but placing it in another container will change the assigned container.

Required Dependencies:


  • Everything - This plugin is just getting started


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