Do you have a lot of griefers joining your server? Want to get rid of them? Create some bait (a house or so), set it up with Gotcha!, and bye bye griefers! Once the griefer destroys a block from the house he will be banned.
- Ban griefers without being online.
- Works like a honeypot. (see )
- Simple and easy to setup
- Logs to a file who was banned
- Does not ban ops or users with gotcha.bypass permission
- Very lightweight and should work with every bukkit version
- /gotcha start | Start selecting blocks that trigger Gotcha!
- /gotcha stop | Stop selecting blocks that trigger Gotcha!
- /gotcha clear | Clears blocks list
- gotcha.use | Use the setup commands.
- gotcha.bypass | Give this perm to users that may destroy protected blocks.
Planned Features
- Remove blocks from the Gotcha! list
- Option to only kick on destroy
- Work with WorldGuard regions
- Add help command, better message formatting
- Work with "strikes": break 1 block, waring + kick, 2nd one 10 minute ban, 3rd, permanent ban, or something like that. Suggestions are always welcome!
Sorry for this late reply :( Do you still need it? If so, mail me here: adminATwoutwootDOTbe
Just a request, Can I please have a version compiled with 1.6.4?
Sure! Just give me the link when it's ready and I'll put it on the plugin page! I'll think about that suggestion.
I'm making a youtube plugin review on this (if it's ok with you).
I also have a suggestion so that you can like make it so that the player can be set on fire, or be poisoned, or get nausea (configurable) by breaking a block.
Adding to my planned features list, That would definitely be possible!
Thanks! The file is waiting for approval, so make sure to check back here soon!
Cool idea, good job.
Interesting idea you have going. It would be nice to see if you could set this up to utilize worldguard regions as well.